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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Okay, just found this on TVTropes: gundam unlinkable piece of trash **** it, http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/X-COM At the A-Team Firing line.
  2. I've seen those threads back then. It's not a balance issue, it's role-playing.Srsly, there were people overjoyed about how they role-played walking around the wasteland instead of fast-travelling, and they were cannibals and everyone totally reacted to it. Got it, thank you. ,o> (very good arguments was in quotation marks because I was guoting you, not because I don't believe you. )
  3. Curious about "very good arguments" vs possible retardation from bethboys Hard choice. ..Aw, what the hell, link pls. If I'm not back in ten minutes, find me and shoot me.
  4. What.
  5. IIRC 'Wars was the sequel to Syndicate.
  6. They're also reacting to the Recruit mode.
  7. Jetpack Jackass
  8. Beware the Necro-Yak! Cool pyramid is cool.
  9. AvP had squadies?
  10. Maybe it'll be a squad-based horror-type thingie.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOLF_2
  12. I'm surprised he didn't single the e-mails out as a "nod". (Pre)Viewers are goldfish indeed.
  13. Waiting for these to happen. Mage with infinite 9th level spells and 2k hit points is the kind of boss I hate the most. Yeah, I was rather disappointed at the end of BG 1, when the party vs party turned out to be Dude Dealing 60 Damage*, Other Dude Dealing 50 Damage*, WhoTheHellIsThisGuy The Mage and That DimWit From The Flaming Fist, all immune to their traps it I'm not mistaken.And coveniently sitting in the other end of the map doing nothing. *per swing, naturally
  14. I'm actually pretty sure there were and there are headshots, but then, anyway, this preview IS bad.. I mean, hacking is a nod to Mass Effect.. how exactly? I think they said headshots have a bigger chance to crit. Maybe Matt could cla-...dammit. >.<
  15. Word is SC:C is just 5 hours long. I think I'll wait for the 2 hour movie and give that my $7 at the movie theater. You know, AP's ~40 hour length sounds all the more enticing. Apparently "the game is 8-10 hours long, the IGN previewer just rushed through while the exclusivity lasted".
  16. Gears of War 3 Ashes to Ashes
  18. Thank you. *wipes away tears* Btw, I'm going by Myca in Allods, molest me with pms.
  19. I thought gaming was a hobby? Waiting for a certain game to come out is kind of a lame hobby... Says Mr. Why-Aren't-You-Excited-For-Just-Cause-2-?!
  20. http://www.gametrailers.com/game/alpha-protocol/9237
  21. Calax is living my life. In America. o.O
  22. A good friend of mine is discovering the wonderfullness that is Fallout 2. I'm so proud of him. *sniff*
  23. EVA: Mission Accomplished.
  24. And an oudated Tu-154 to boot, if what I heard is true.
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