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About Jokerman89

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    (2) Evoker
  1. Sounds good, only reason im checking it out is because Obsidian are making it. As soon as i heard they were i had to check out some previews.
  2. I would love a sequel....this game is fantastic if you are a fan of rpg's
  3. I saved both as tech expert.....theres a few times in moscow that being a tech expert gets you more info....
  4. All it does if you remove points from skills you dont want....you can start with max points on about 4 skills (the max for your level) By the ends i was killing bosses with 4-5 shotgun blasts
  5. My thoughts on Deus ex are pure nostalgia...saying that....i like DX more but ive not played it in years Love AP though...one of my favs of this gen.
  6. This was the first attempt at TPS shooter gameplay...thats where all the bugs were this time, no dialogue and continuity bugs like with some of there old games. I felt the stealth gameplay was mostly pretty great.
  7. How the hell is it broken? Broken would mean unplayable...Alpha Protocol is a great game.
  8. What exactly did you expect a modern spy game to look like? I thought it had nice variety in environments all 5 country look different and all have there own feel.
  9. Some people have no problem doing it, so I'd hardly call it "broken." Yea i hack every PC i come across, i find it so easy i dont even skip one out of cant be assed ness. Whats hard about it? Just find the letters not moving and match them up with one of the 2 at the top right and left sticks to move and rt and lt to place the code on top of the matching code (on 360) Its pretty simple...and you should be able to do it pretty fast. How about you try reading the text you are quoting. My bad....didnt really mean to quote anyone then.
  10. Heck Kinda grew on me, at first i was kind of a **** to him....yet he seemed to like it. Start of a beautiful friendship ended with him running through the endgame with me.
  11. This might be my fav game of the year...even more so than Mass effect 2 and red dead. It reminds me of the great deus ex with how reactive everything is....I find it real easy to look pass bugs (have not had a game ender) Graphics....because the story is great and the characters a joy to interact with. I am all for choices and story...this is my perfect game
  12. Some people have no problem doing it, so I'd hardly call it "broken." Yea i hack every PC i come across, i find it so easy i dont even skip one out of cant be assed ness. Whats hard about it? Just find the letters not moving and match them up with one of the 2 at the top right and left sticks to move and rt and lt to place the code on top of the matching code (on 360) Its pretty simple...and you should be able to do it pretty fast.
  13. What is so bad about the hacking mini game? its really easy and straight forward....just look for the still letters and ur there I life this more than Mass effect 2s hacking minigame.
  14. I dont think its that....if alpha protocol came out first then i bet it scores around 8.5s, But everyone is think its a mass effect clone...people expecting lightly sprinkled rpg elements are being chosen to review the game....not the hard core RPG guys
  15. Gamespot only have a few lines up so far "Alpha Protocol's astounding intricacies are tarnished by bugs, clumsy gameplay mechanics, and rough production values. " Dunno....i ignore things like rough production values. Kinda loved the ME1 combat (more than the 2nd...shock shock horror) so clumsy gameplay might even appeal to me. astounding intricacies means the story will be greatly shaped by your choices....which is really what im looking for.
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