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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Resident Evil: Afterlife Slow-mo Wesker sunglass-throwing.
  2. Is there Blind Grenade Throw in NV?
  3. I think he meant "it's not rape if she doesn't have time to react".
  4. BTW, Reemus has several chapters (AKA sequels), play those too. Also: Run Jesus, run! The 10 Second Gospel Continuity
  5. Maybe...Manhunt?
  6. Eh, damn. Thanks.
  7. Pizza with sausage, ham, corn, onion, cheese and eggs; Strudel; Zserb
  8. "-Sir, we are surrounded on all sides! -Excellent, now we can attack in any direction!"
  9. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...t&p=1022464
  10. IMO you'll be collecting an army. Just look at some of the choices in ME2: Bio has already said that none of the squad members from ME2 is a squad member in ME3, because they might all be dead. The only previous squad member who might be a team member in ME3 is Liara. And I think she's the most boring squad member ME's have GIMMIEGARRUS
  11. http://www.kongregate.com/games/zeebarf/th...rneys-of-reemus Point 'n' Click goodness
  12. You can see that move in the Toys of AP video.
  13. I'd like to see an unarmed guy beat SIE in the trainyard boss battle.
  14. Again, Mike is a spy. You're supposed to meta the conversations and relationships. As for immersion breaking, you break it for yourself, not the system. I look at the pop-up, blink, then stop caring, not stop playing to rage about it for 3 minutes.
  15. "His name is NOT Alucard" lol, I totally missed that, epic fail.
  16. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...ngs-Still-Alive
  17. Knight and Day
  18. 16+ http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/03/28/a...ailsub-legends/
  19. The ENB Graphic Mod is pretty good, but it has a few bugs on some systems.. it's also a resource hog, so you might experience lagging. a video with horrible music, but it shows what the mod does. Thanks, but that's waaay too much.
  20. I've only seen two "collect 30 somethings that have a drop rate of 5%" quests. Also, I wouldn't call killing 10 mobs grinding, but maybe that's just me. Purk: The fairy ears or the not-so-pedo aspect?
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