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Everything posted by Oner

  1. RPG heroes are jerks
  2. And the Joker is a rubberwoman? Geralt's hand?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udc_R36pVCU&NR=1
  4. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...t&p=1021236
  5. Second guy is awesome. Amazing Horse now with 100% more jazz
  6. He doesn't want to play per se, just curious.
  7. Here's the original if you're interested: http://2.thumbs.4chan.org/wg/thumb/1269354043296s.jpg
  8. We have a thread like this already: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...0games&st=0
  9. http://www.latinoreview.com/news/taylor-la...f-twilight-9247
  10. Hey, a bear!
  11. At the least the theme song is cool.
  12. holy crap this is cool Mine's TIM btw.
  13. 6 to 10 minutes, lol.
  14. Also, bugs. Even more bugs when patched.
  15. I wouldn't know. Maybe someone schooled in the arts of graphicing can help.
  16. Unlimited Detail
  17. 16+ : http://chatroulettetrolling.com/2010/03/17...ideo-troll-job/
  18. You guys already forgot about Ubi? Maybe they made a bet with very very high stakes.
  19. Blond chick
  20. My only complaint is that shock trap/grenade lightning effect. There's a difference between not cutting edge and out-of-place-ugly.
  21. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/video-ga...rewattack/63250
  22. World of LordCraft .....
  23. There is an LP already available in the archive, it's hilarious.
  24. He's the owner of a shop you insult all day.
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