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Everything posted by Oner

  1. And they're probably better in GoW than in Thief.
  2. I'm just saying that if they had free reign over their characters (and/or more AP), they may have been able to build characters more suitable for them. Aaand, we (and neither the previewers for that matter) don't know how a different build would've looked like. Since different skills cost different amounts of AP*, a guns blazing character may have 2-3 weapon skills and some points in sabotage and such. So.. maybe we will be able to have several skills, not just three (that's the impression I had from earlier material anyway), and the preview complaint of run-'n'-gun characters being tormented with hacking is pretty moot. IMO *and we don't even know if the pre-built characters missed any XP opportunities
  3. Great, a typo. Thanks.
  4. They played one mission around the middle of the game using pre-built characters, apparently.
  5. So.. a friend of mine is curious about how much of a fear-of-the-end-of-the-world feel the new(er) Vampire game has. I can't answer the question, so I'm turning to you guys. Tell me! @.@
  6. Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world (death metal version)
  7. Areyou feeling down? 16+
  8. The Pain.
  9. I agree, I was just clarifying.
  10. I think the others (and the previewer of course) meant the constantly changing tone and behavior. A Mike who's periodically switching between nice, gentle tone and agressive,demanding tone would look like a loony.
  11. I restarted BG a bit ago... finally reached the city of Baldur's Gate and just haven't been able to get back into it to actually progress beyond that point.. Going to have to sit down and make a firm attempt at it again.. Having a map of BG with all the houses marked with tags makes it easier.
  12. Good question. I hope we can.
  13. Earlier interviews said it's the latter.
  14. Garrus doesn't wear a shade. He doesn't need it. He is the shade.
  15. Even on flat terrain, the steering was horribly oversensitive. And the slightest little bump threw the direction I was going in off by 50 degrees.
  16. A first time player wouldn't stay level 1 in the first place.
  17. And it costs less! BOO-YA! :p
  18. Does he even partake in the three/foursome? If you harden him then yes, IIRC.
  19. Dinocroc vs Supergator
  20. Congratz.
  21. Antal Nimr
  22. At least the latter option usually comes up as a reasonable obstacle in moving towards some quest/plot/story goal. Ideally, either the combat should be tactically varied and fun enough that the repeated enemies aren't as onerous as you make it sound, or both options should be avoided. I demand that a positive adjective be named after me!
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