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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Oh Purky, where did your sense of bad humor go?
  2. You guys know that DX 3 will be a prequel, right?
  3. But I want the +1 to every stat and Balduran's helmet.
  4. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/53526/Cr...te-Says-Ubisoft
  5. Even if the player's blind, the world moves on.
  6. Passive smoking is the way to go! *sniff sniff* *SNIFF*
  7. I told Garrus to use his sniper. Stole a lot of kills, he did.
  8. Actually...you are sent to fetch the Fereldian archdemon blood supply from the secret warehouse room in Denerim. Where Duncan's shield is.
  9. why would you replay either if you don't want to? Never said I don't want to, but the work will be substantial. I've clocked 200 hours into DMC,and have to do it again to reach the same completion. * *We need a smiley that represents the posters utter shock and disbelief. Like this one:
  10. Me neither.
  11. Everything trying to kill you
  12. Who shot Johnny Rock? is arguably worse.
  13. Having to replay BG 1...again. And DMC 4. Uuunngghh.
  14. Lost mah saves. And the whole winchester.
  15. I'm just...playing it. For playings sake.
  16. Hey, 10 minute long sewer instead of a 2 hour time waster. You gotta savor the little things!
  17. Dunno, I just started Act II. (Killed the ****atrice)
  18. Grom: There was a Penny-Arcade comic on the DA homepage.
  19. Has interesting dungeontunnel fighting here and there.
  20. I liked the second SMG. Good for freezing husks.
  21. No, you're creeping me out.
  22. Gee, thanks. I usually die between 13k and 25k.
  23. And I missed all that. Feel my pain.
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