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Everything posted by Oner

  1. During the Mardi Gras costume competition in my elementary school, always that person/class won first prize who dressed up as devils. Go figure.
  2. I tried an insanity adept a week ago. Third room in the game, singularity on the LOKIs. Two out of three landed next to me. You can imagine how that ended.
  3. I've got 1.4. There's no real problem anymore, though I expected things to be a bit... smoother. Combatants sliding into position on attack vs not sliding 'cause a barghest tail is in the way, that kind of thing.
  4. That wasn't the problem. Geralt refusing to attack was.
  5. Petition Activision, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *deep breath* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Even if they listen to the petition, the game won't be free anymore.
  6. In other news, finally got the hang of combat in The Witcher, just took ~4 deaths. Not mine of course. Vesna's.
  7. All hail the modcat!
  8. No.
  9. Pidesco, I am disappoint.
  10. Thread title.
  11. I upgrade the ship with porn so Jags won't die in the debate. Now on to scanning the planets for more boobium.
  12. http://www.vgcats.com/super/images/100226.gif
  13. Apart from mr insomniacs explanation you should know that the game is skewered in such a way that you simply must never be out of cover. ME rambo tactics don't work, since enemies never miss and Shepard has very little health. So you have to play it sitting in cover and shooting at anything that pops up, in short bursts because as soon as you start shooting everyone will target you since you've partially come out of cover. Only go for head-shots, everything else is a waste of ammo. Flanking enemies have priority as targets since it can be a real problem hitting them efficiently when they're close, a problem they don't have and will happily empty their clips on you. Changing cover in the middle of combat is often suicide, because you can't really move around without being shredded. When the veins pop up on screen, hide behind cover immediately. *points at NumberMan's Vanguard youtube link*
  14. The unreviewable reviews are the best reviews.I remember a review of some crap WWI strategy game:
  15. ...Harold...
  16. Halo Legends. Origins confused me. The duel was good. Homecoming confused me. Odd one out was awesome. Prototype was awesome. The babysitter was crap. The package was good.
  17. :lol: :lol:
  18. Human-Dog hybrid eats it's lunch.
  19. Hungarian names give me manic-depressive episodes. The names of finnish people who live in New Vegas give me Alzheimer, kleptomania and a 3rd degree sunburn. The mystery has been solved at last! What mystery? Why your posts keep popping up in random places. Thats because Boo behaved badly in Way Off-Topic and now his posts has to go trough mods (?) What did the bad Boo doo?
  20. http://listen.grooveshark.com/#
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