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Everything posted by Oner

  1. And I missed all that. Feel my pain.
  2. The way he said "HA-HA, I'm just messing with you!" was so charming.
  3. Mhairi trailer Miss Daishi's* little sister! (Not.) *You know, the juggernaut woman who throws you in prison.
  4. Idinaloq Shoot 'Em Up/slightly Bullet Hell. Japanese. Not hard. Story summary by jap speakers would be appretiated.
  5. No, Blizzard is not. You are. I'm not evils... Ethically flexible, amirite?
  6. The Mission Start saves get overriden when you go to a new one, Leety referred to permanent ones. Deraldins, poppin' out of nowhere, ninjaing ur posts.
  7. DMC isn't exactly the most significant intellectual work of the millenium, but saying the environment, characters and story aren't stylish is just untrue. I could just as well say GoW is ONLY gore while DMC is significantly more. At least, more than you think it is. Unless I'm misunderstanding you somewhere.
  8. So...where's the mock review?
  9. Notice the first word is "besides".
  10. Except they did. Hell, he himself acknowledged it in the DMC 4 review.
  11. Nope. Yahtzee calls a game that's built around style unstylish. That's jarring stupidity. Doesn't know what 'opinion' means, tsk tsk. Skipping language classes again?
  12. Of course it does.
  13. Because they want you to have something to complain about.
  14. True, true.Sadly, has nothing to do with the topic.
  15. Okay, I have to write this down somewhere, you are the lucky ones. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...-Dantes-Inferno Yahtzee. YOU ****ING MOROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  16. Create a petition and/or post on given game's official forum.
  17. Unless a game is bug free and linear, removing quick/manual save is a bad idea.
  18. Kung-Fu Monster Pacman
  19. Abigail: Thank you blahblahblah Geralt: I chose the lesser evil. Abigail: I'm sorry that you think so. Farewell. Dunno, maybe if you wouldn't have, y'know, keep quiet about all this sick **** happening, hand the little boy that you were entrusted with over to the retarded priest, didn't help with those attrocities etc, maybe I wouldn't think so. Just a hunch. Thanks for the sexytime tho.
  20. Oh please, everyone knows IW doesn't have a free will.
  21. Widow > 2 Shepards with assault rifles
  22. At least you're compensated with the Widow.
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