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Everything posted by Oner

  1. http://listen.grooveshark.com/#
  2. vs
  3. The mystery has been solved at last! What mystery? Why your posts keep popping up in random places. English mostly.Usually noname (and "noname") and EA games get the localization treatment. 5,350 HuF are a bit more (the double) than what Torment should cost tho.
  4. More like M&Ms branded Dragon Age, amirite?
  5. The mystery has been solved at last!
  6. Pre-order bonuses and other pish-posh, bah! When I wanted Dragon Age, I walked into the store and asked for a copy. And got ****ing M&Ms along with it. Beat that, Mr Rich American Gamestore!
  7. Finnish names give me nightmares.
  8. Yeah, those damn "t
  9. http://cdgalaxis.hu/kereses?q=planescape+t...amp;x=0&y=0 They don't deliver to foreign countries, oops.
  10. Didn't you two go over the exact same conversation already?
  11. http://9gag.com/photo/18124_full.jpg This is just cute:
  12. Nice comeback. /applause
  13. Maybe Josh will PM you the answer. And a day later you'll disappear. Nice knowing you. /wave
  14. It's concept art. Compare some rendered Dragon Age characters with their CA.
  15. 'Cause this is New Vegas! It's red and grey here, fool!
  16. Robot Unicorn Attack, courtesy of Syraxis. Oh hey, it has a video too.
  17. And I was pretty clear that this is my opinion, based on how I feel, even properly explained to understand, nowhere saying that this is a factapplied to every human being, or that origins arean inherently bad thing. But to put it in Vologic context: Nuff said.
  18. Punishing? Where did I give it -5 for replayability?
  19. We need more good games and less Arcanum. Our ideas are not mutually exclusive. Success! Not I'm confused.Lemme think this through.
  20. My position: not a bad game per se, but too many flaws to honestly call it good.For me it's boring*, and didn't found anything in it that would put it in "a special spot in my heart". *Interestingly, I found the origins the biggest turn off from a second playthrough. After a unique beginning you get to the boring-as-hell Corcari Wilds and realize "wait...from here on everything is the same...and the origin won't matter anyway...and boring combat". Yes, I know that every game is the same each playthrough, but the others don't have different beginnings. Sameness more glaring this way.
  21. We have a thread for this kind of thing! /shameless self-advertising
  22. Uh-huh.
  23. Oner


    LX-IR? Shadowrun detective story.
  24. I have.
  25. You remember vaults aren't supposed to save people?
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