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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Replaying hinges on the fun factor, not the replayablity-o-meter.
  2. Don't you know? "We're all living in America.."
  3. Hawt "dryad" b00bz?
  4. You don't need it anymore.
  5. I don't like handwritten CVs, no sir.
  6. HoM&M, Disciples.
  7. PoP: Sands of Time
  8. I think the big thing is that the cost of game development was less of an issue in the past. Sales were also a fraction of the current ones.
  9. Orks are much better.
  10. Thanks. Don't thank him yet. Yeah, I've read some related posts some time ago. Well, so long Jack nice knowing you .
  11. Thanks.
  12. Garrus: I wanted him neutral good in ME1, but he came off as chaotic good instead. Which I'm not sure I appreciate. Oh well, still have a playthrough to fine-tune him somehow. Legion: Spoil me. If I dart for him from the beginning and lug him around everywhere, does that get my crew killed or not? You guys confused me.
  13. I just want my Gauss Rifle.
  14. So...what game is this?
  15. Look, have you ever seen Roswell Conspiracies? It was scientifically proven -heck, they admitted it themselves- that banshees are vulnerable to technology. Throw a remote control at one and she'll be in hospital for days, and you suggest she lives in a laptop? Ignorance I say.
  16. http://lhla.org/breaking_news/?p=3966
  17. Every day the same dream
  18. You're kidding, right?
  19. Blasto is coo'.
  20. In the worst case scenario we travel to an alternate universe and get a copy from there. And grab a Duke Nukem Forever while we're at it.
  21. It seems the problem lies with the battery cable slightly slipping out of the laptop jack.
  22. You make it sound sordid, when in fact it's more a liberating life-enriching affirmation like in that film. Hey, I'm not the one who's disregarding it. I love it.
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