-Senior Kotick! Senior Kotick!
-What is it, cheap mexican labor man?
-Your Evil Quota has fallen senior! Like a shooting star!
-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Erm, I mean, impossible! I rule over Activision! I sell one of the most successful franchises ever for thrice as much as any ugh..'nice' person would! I bought a whole band just to have them make an Evil Theme Song! I drink ****ing baby blood!
-But senior, that simply isn't enough nowadays!
-Tell me then, how could I raise my Evil Output?
-Well senior according to our research you can only meet the Quota if you ...fire Infinity Ward. But firing our ah, I mean your golden, nay, diamond laying chicken would be-
-*slasher smile* -Evil?
- *mumble*...retarded *mumble*
-Do it, now! I can already taste the Evil in me! Palpatine has ****ing nothiing on me!