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Everything posted by Oner

  1. It shows off what's important but doesn't have the balls to go all out? Alternatively: It shows it's junk and juvenile features?
  2. If any devs read this: are there conditions for blocking aside from what the help topic says? 'Cause I found blocking doesn't work when you have 0 focus (even tho the value is high enough to negate any focus cost), plus sometimes I still get damaged. Happens mostly in big fights. Or is that an ability for some enemy types?
  3. To answer the original question: Yes.
  4. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...o-Torrent-Sites
  5. If you weren't an idiot, you'd know that mods aren't Obs employees.
  6. Yeah, this isn't what I meant. There's something else you get, though it may not be accessible in the demo. I know, I was answering to MadMichael.
  7. You get it regardless and it's a fixed item (still depends on which character you use though).
  8. I meant the Divinity 2 shots virumor posted. All I see is different ability(?) icons, which DS3 has too.
  9. What?The Matrix wasn't worth this! You hear me Wachowskis?! It wasn't worth this!
  10. IIRC there's no 'complete the game solo' achievement, so I guess no. I died against Vera 4-5 (6-7?) times with Lucas on hardcore the first time.
  11. I don't see the difference TBH.
  12. Heh, you guessed it. AngryJoe is horrible.
  13. I mentioned the SC2 control skillz because that's a skill you need to play the game effectively. You don't need those kind of skills to play DS3. I don't have them, I'm an average person (just like you, and most everyone here, I assume?). Doesn't keep me from playing the game almost flawlessly. 1-2-3; Q; you can; you can dodge instead of strafing- not the same, I know, but works just as well; you either press Esc twice or F (if you're on the inventory screen, obviously) once. All the buttons for fine control are in a neat package under your left hand within reaching distance.
  14. I was referring to a very specific someone- who isn't you. Guess it's the same kind of logic that suggests I'm a fanboy just because I can enjoy a game for what it is. Or the same logic that says 'not what I wanted=bad'.I'm not a korean SC2 multitasking god with 300 APM and reflexes of a ...something with great reflexes, yet I still could get used to the controls in a short time. Funny how gamers lost the ability to adapt nowadays.
  15. Oh look, we're fanboys again. Sorry, I'm not the one here throwing a tantrum because DS3 isn't DS1.5. Neither the one who can't spend 15 minutes to get used to the controls but can can complain how they suck for days.
  16. Next someone will complain there are no textures. Or that freckles are a sin not just against gamers from all over the world, but against humanity itself.
  17. Yes, they should've cut out the cinematics, the dialogues and the VO because they're not graphics or gameplay.
  18. Oh god, that amazon! Anime head on space marine body! Dear ****ing ****, what is that abomination?! Burn it!
  19. Can anyone confirm this? Enemies scaling to your lvl is retarded for this kind of game. I'm going to assume s/he read the help topics in the game. ~"The higher level you are, the tougher enemies become" Not sure if it is in fact auto-levelling, but I don't see the problem if it is. So enemies have a bit more health and damage. And? For one, DS2 had several lvls for 1 enemy type IIRC. Secondly, you get more health too (dunno if damage scales), better gear, abilities, proficiencies, talents... Plus it's not like you'll be fighting the same one enemy throughout the game.
  20. You're stuck with potato-face and you call that luck?
  21. Yep. I liked the demo. I've actually been wanting a game with gameplay like this for a while (only other game I know that has this DMC-Diablo mix is Silver). Is it a good sequel? I wouldn't know ("What is a real sequel?" is a question right up there with "What is an RPG?"). I've had fun with DS2, despite what detractors may have said, now I'm going to have fun with DS3, despite what the detractors say. Controls needed some time to get used to, but after the second playthrough, there are no problems any more.
  22. It's the introduction, the prologue, the beginning. Of course that's not the best part of the story, duh. Because DS3 canned all the "good" features of DS1-2 in favour of the story, so even a random sneeze should be epic and intriguing.
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