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Everything posted by Oner

  1. @cgerrr: And where did you get this from?
  2. My demo must've been warped in from the magical rainbow land of Everygood, because I had no problems with the camera. Any. At all. So you already played the full game?
  3. DmC combat trailer While I like the trailer, I want my old Dante. ._.
  4. To give credit where it's due, DS2 (dunno about 1) is one of those few games where playing an archer is viable from the start, not just after the second chapter *cough* Gothic 2 *cough*.
  5. Heh, the good old first two steps of troubleshooting never fail.
  6. Happened to me when I pressed Esc during char selection, restarting the comp helped.
  7. Check the Codex, this is actually true. Council races salvaged Sovereign's weapons and made their versions, like the thannix cannon (you use it at the end of ME2 if you upgrade, one shots enemy ships). So yeah... maybe they didn't upgrade all that much between 2 and 3, but their guns are much better than in ME1. Funny, when I wrote the above post I was considering adding "Or maybe the council did decide to adapt sovereigns tech, despite "him" not existing." Guess I was right.
  8. I liked the demo a lot, but I'll never get used to the dodging controls. The fight with Vera was anti-climatic, that's what I get for playing on hardcore. BTW, after playing the demo, it occurred to me how in every demo video we saw, people got Yacob's quest, but no one bothered to actually finish it.
  9. Why, did they make a typo or something?
  10. Obviously SCIENCE is so advanced, humans have upgraded their **** even more after ME2 in the span of a few weeks/months.
  11. Griefers don't need a reason.That said, it's not like new loot is hard to get.
  12. She had a breastplate. I really did do that, haha. You da man, Alvin.
  13. It's not out yet. Probably comes somewhere in the afternoon.
  14. That GTTV ad with the 3 people and the r-tard posing cracks me up every time.
  15. Ah, alright, thanks.
  16. BTW, no Squenix this year? Don't they wanna push DS3 and DX?
  17. Great, I miss Overstrike but catch the military shooter. Jawesome.
  18. That's ...wow. Just wow.
  19. But the celeb was in the ad, not at the show. EA Sports, to the bore.
  20. Oh please, between the war for Earth and running from cops we should be excited about snowboarding? :yawn:
  21. It looked more like it was just a series of timed button taps and that's it, the running was all done by the computer >.> Plus the PC is a suicidal retard, and the cops are shooting from a helicopter at one unarmed illegal racer? What?
  22. There's just SO MUCH wrong with that on foot segment.
  23. It's ME2 music, if I'm not mistaken.
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