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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Because a: story is their strong point b: it makes DS3 unique among rogue-likes.
  2. Besides having Fargo at their helm, has inXile ever done anything notable? The bard's tale?
  3. I don't get the irony, explain plx. Tho I don't get how waiting for a friend would make me a casual gamer, but meh.
  4. What the marketing said: drop in drop out co-op What the customers heard: persistent world mmo with pvp, 900 lvl cap, deathmatch, CTF, level editor, free map DLC every month + those funny little umbrellas you see in drinks.
  5. I could argue that, but it's mostly because of my personal preference, so no point. No.Come on people, make my prediction true!
  6. What's stoppin you from using a xbox/ps3 controller on your pc? Don't interrupt him, being jaded requires concentration, not logic!
  7. I'd get one for MGS 4 alone, but I'm still not rich. But you're still rich enough to buy PC games? 'Cause I've bought so many games this year. /sarcasm Nevermind that console games are shamelessly more expensive than PC ones.
  8. I'd get one for MGS 4 alone, but I'm still not rich.
  9. Nope. No play, no care.
  10. I'm not cynical, I just don't have a PS3.
  11. I see, thanks.
  12. Now I'm imagining Obs announcing their newest project: Diablo Siege 3: Not a Diablo clone I swear.
  13. Next. My reaction was "next" at the harry potter knock-off in the first screen. The only similarity I see is the dark hair.Please don't tell me Radcliffe had a midriff baring scene..
  14. So the game will bomb because ...it has co-op. Allriiiiight...
  15. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure those two (orb enhanced and empowered abilities) are the same thing.
  16. It's probably a reference to the enhanced version of each ability. The spheres are the violet orbs that you can see at the bottom of the UI, below the focus bar. I think they're recharged through the use of special abilities. Nope. Look at screens of the ability selection menu, under the description of every ability is a short explanation what the Empowered version of the ability does. You unlock the empowered version by filling up the Mastery gauge by using the given skill x times.
  17. This doesn't even make the slightest sense.
  18. I spy with my little eye... a cut out player character?
  19. You mean the comic? Two characters from League of Legends comboing their skill attacks FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE.
  20. I was mocking the whole PC vs console debate in general.
  21. But im going to play on Xbox360, this is the problem, the saves couldn't send to friends :S At the risk of sounding uninformed: consoles can't do that? Hah. Superior to PC my arse.
  22. Already posted by C2B yesterday. And this link's video is bugged, at least for me.
  23. Guys, we live in the age of file attachment to e-mails.
  24. SW:TOR Trooper progression trailer Love how he stabs the sith, then empties the clip in her while she's still down.
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