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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Item look changes based on it's tier. Funny how people people in a loot based game are more concerned with looks than stat diversity.
  2. I do, and it's always better than an interactive screen saver.
  3. You're right. It's better.
  4. Obviously when pre-ordering appeared digital purchase didn't exist yet/wasn't popular.
  5. Why wouldn't they? I've seen books run out of stock. I can't speak for other cities, but where I live the shop gets it's stock sent from their HQ/warehouse from the capital. If a game meets a greater demand than expected, they'd have to order new stock from there, which is a + day, which people don't necessarily want to wait for. 'Sides, why else would there be pre-orders? 'Cause people don't want to sit on their money for fear they spend it on something else? Still isn't a publisher scam. As for your question, no idea. Digital is my guess.
  6. Hardly. The point of pre-orders is to reserve copies of games you know you want, 'cause retail shops tended to run out of new releases very fast. While bonus items are small extras for pre-ordering, they aren't the main reason to do so.
  7. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...ome-Peeping-Tom
  8. Nobody would hire you. Because you're a douche. Hey if you got hired, why wouldn't he?
  9. BTW I can't be arsed to buy a local mag just for the DS3 review, but on their homepage they say the game is one of this summer's most pleasant surprise.
  10. User reviews most likely.
  11. Ozzy hasn't produced anything worthwhile in a while unfortunately So Duke will relate to Serius Sam the way Ozzy relates to Br
  12. if anyone's interested.
  13. Do they really say Jayne Kassynder that often in the beginning? I never really noticed.
  14. Agility's descriptions writes: "The higher your hero's level, the tougher enemies become." It's not hard to interpret this as auto-levelling.
  15. It wouldn't work. Don't forget this is an action game, the pace is fast. You simply wouldn't have time to click on those little icons and aim at one guy while every enemy is hitting you. Especially since you need the mouse to move. There's a free left hand (as long as you're right handed of course) you can tap 1-2-3 with, then just a click with the mouse and done, ability used. Hold the mouse button first then tap space.
  16. I found Lucas' charm is in armor and blocking (mostly blocking, but items usually have + for both). I've done two hardcore playthroughs with him (in the demo, natch), got some warding/retribution/stagger items and hilarity ensued. Vera couldn't damage me, I was just standing there, she could do whatever she wanted, not even my focus drained. Sure, you have a bit lower attack and agility, but the biggest problem with DMC4 too was that enemies died too fast IMO, so that's fine by me. BTW, can retribution crit? Vera had like ~60 hp left, but 1 19 damage retri suddenly killed her (couldn't see the damage floater 'cause the camera was zoomed in).
  17. It's a dubious victory I'd say.
  18. Are you narcoleptic or something what with all those emotes? Devs said it's around 25-30 hours. If we go by Alpha Protocol -which was supposed to last 25-30 hours too-, that means 20-35 hours.
  19. Links? No links, because those reviews were in the latest issue of these magazines. convenient I hope you're not implying he's making those scores up.
  20. I see, thanks.
  21. Isn't DNF supposed to be out next Tuesday?
  22. You mean Prey 2?
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