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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. That vid reminds me of sniping Papa Khan at his dinner table with the Ratslayer.
  2. Divine Divinity > Diablo
  3. At least with Elminster & Storm Silverhand largely stripped of their powers by the Spellplague, no longer will ridiculous excuses have to be found to make an invasion of Shadowdale believable as in certain NWN modules & 2nd edition campaigns.
  4. A documentary/film about Hans-Ulrich Rudel would've been interesting to see.
  5. Demon's Souls combat for DA2 would surely silence a lot of PC elitists. But alas.
  6. Good place to start: http://www.adventuregamers.com/recommendations.php
  7. One reason why I'll probably never re-install Oblivion is that before I lost my installation, I had around 3 Gigs of mods. There's no way I'll ever be able to re-mold the game into what I had before. For Morrowind, it was much simpler, I only installed Better Bodies + Better Faces + a texture conversion mod, and that was it.
  8. It's not like today's AI is any better. Look up some "Crysis AI" on Youtube. And laugh.
  9. That may have been the major reason for the Mass Effect overhaul. Shepard was supposed to be a War Hero/Sole Survivor/Any Other Variation Of Badass, but couldn't hit the broad side of a barn on Horizon and died if an enemy as much as sneezed at him/her.
  10. She kinda reminds me of Lady Deadpool with the number of pouches and catsuit.
  11. I wonder what effect importing a DA:O save will have on the game. Will it go beyond the fluff from ME2? I read in a preview that there's going to be some kind of checklist for people that can't or won't import. I have no more endgame saves of DA:O left and do not own Awakenings, so if I have to trudge through it again (like I'll need to do for the Witcher 2) it has to be worth it. EDIT: which expansion(s) & DLCs are considered plot-critical? Awakenings, Ostagar & Whitch Hunt?
  12. So I take it you're not going to get Diablo 3 next year?
  13. NV's choice & consequence went down the drain for me when Vulpes offered me his coin. This was up there with ghoul-Moria from FO3. The few multi-pathed quests the game may have had got lost in the sea of run & fetch quests (really, the game was almost as worse as Gothic 3 in this regard). I don't consider any FO3 quest to be better than Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood & Thieves Guild questline, let alone Shivering Isles & Knights of the Nine main quests. Only thing FO3 really improves is the voice-over. TW2 is a good game made by unpretentious developers that listen to their fans. It actually contains some choice & consequence and quests with multiple paths, which is more than I can say for Oblivion. Not to mention, the world is pretty well-fleshed out as well with books and notes scarred around (at least better than Oblivion).
  14. Hiphop gamer means:
  16. Was "Overwhelm" removed from the game?
  17. The current top Oblivion mod on TES Nexus: Companion Vilja
  18. "Pest"? Did I miss another character reveal?
  19. What was really fun in Fahrenheit was getting the protagonists to mentally break down in various ways. Like that female cop with her claustrophobia.
  20. I don't understand why people love Boone so much. I've wiped out all Legion camps, even Caesar's, and the chump still acts like Rain Man. He's a post-apocalyptic, autistic Carth Onasi.
  21. Omikron 2? Does that mean Quantic Dream will finally get back to making video games again?
  22. NWN 1 & 2 didn't have FF on normal difficulty, and in case of these games this was truly a blessing considering the amount of horribly tedious dungeon crawling.
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