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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Make it a necropolis, a city of the listless dead, with a market where souls are bought and sold... and make the Planescape fans swoon.
  2. I will put up any Obz developer who agrees to make a London-based city as number two. I will take them on a unique adventure. They will see stuff that they won't forget for a while. Ask some of the moderators. They know I can deliver on that one.
  3. I pledged enough that it hurt. It is the only way.
  4. I want to be able to barbecue a unicorn whilst wearing a radioactive ball-gag.
  5. * aw shucks * They live in the UK, they just got married, the dude went back to college, she's a gamer chick. I'd have to have a heart of stone *not* to offer a spare copy.
  6. Dude PM me you can have my spare digital D/L as a wedding present.
  7. Yes... in general. But some of the upper tier rewards are discretely different in what you can design. There are different iterations of each tier... on the KS page the tier rewards are all clearer now.
  8. ^ I think he is able to manipulate reality, thus, yes.
  9. Another reason Tim Cain is awesome: he's got to the point in his career where he can wear what the hell he likes to work. Even a photoshopped chef's hat.
  10. ^ Yes, but who should wear the boob plate. I have already suggested elsewhere that Sawyer should don a chainmail bikini to raise money.
  11. Furthermore, he wore an erstaz chef's hat as far back as 1996.
  12. This man is prepared to have a chef's hat photo-shopped onto him to raise money for this project. He also has a giant pencil. In short, he is a steely-eyed pragmatist with a taste for over-sized stationery. What items of clothing should the rest of the Obsidian crew wear to show their raw passion, determination and commitment to $3.5M. Tim has earned his spurs, what about the others?
  13. Please see my prediction on the other thread. They'll release some more screenies or something, right at the climactic sweet spot towards the end.
  14. I am usually capable of making a half-decent decision in less than five minutes dude. You have until Wednesday.
  15. My prediction: Verily, Obsidian will releaseth something uexpected for the finale. Maybe another screenshot with character avatars of much awe. Mayhap a tiny mock-up-ette of projected gameplay. This will resulteth in a nerdgasm tremedous (and the heavens shall tremble), resulting in a last minute mountain of treasure! I am a sage with powers unusual. I felt this in my water when I took my ablutions this morning. So it has been spoken, so it shall be. (Excerpt from the Montecromicon, the holy text of Grognards)
  16. I think you might want to spend some time maybe looking at the updates and browsing this forum. All the answers are there. In short, by backing this project at $25 you get a copy of this game. I am 100% sure it will be done.
  17. Hey, Indira, I'll have a look down the back of my sofa!
  18. What's *not* to love about Landsknecht? Please let me have as colourful a character as this chap: Fantasy iteration of Italian Condottieri, for all the "why post this historic stuff?" whiners.
  19. Maybe an Easter Egg with an emo vampire and his celibate human girlfriend. Naturally, you get to destroy both of them in a variety of cruel and unusual ways.
  20. 3.5 is to dream the (im) POSSIBLE dreeeeem!
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