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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Yeah the concept artist is a woman and her stuff is great. Her website gives you an idea of how awesome she is, just am a little surprised by the concept art for this guy. It's meh. We are entitled to put forward a view as the concept gives us a lot of clues as to what the designer plans for the character.
  2. We talked about this very early on: the crossbow comparison is apt. Sawyer agreed that a viable tactic is fire gun, drop it, draw melee weapon. I'd have two or even three firearms-enabled characters whose opening gambit is a volley of shot, followed by melee weapons. I suspect that this will be very useful against wizards.
  3. If it doesn't look like this I'm going to instruct my lawyers to write a very cross letter.
  4. Let's have a topless female monk, because, like the forums are a bit quiet at the moment.
  5. My issue is quest-based XP... if you only get XP on the critical path and it scales then QED the whole game is more or less scaled.
  6. One of the things I love about the internet is the predictability of certain subject triggers... you know things that are like online nerve endings. Anything to do with Japanese weaponry and / or martial arts and monks is guaranteed to bring hobbyists out of hiding. It's great, although the Katana Fanbois can get a bit much.
  7. To be brutally honest, if it's that confusing then it's down to Obsidian.
  8. http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/#chart-daily The daily pledge total is going back up to the level we saw in the first four days...showing a high projection of just over $3.5M.
  9. in Europe maybe, in Asia they were using them widely by that point as were the Ottoman Turks.
  10. The high medieval era encompasses (roughly) the early 1400s to 1500. Firearms appear in Europe (albeit very crudely) in the mid-1300s. This doesn't mean that the longbow, sword or pike became redundant. The Chinese invented gunpowder, IIRC in the 9th Century.
  11. Wow, when will people wrap their heads around the fact that gunpowder is as medieval as lutes, knights, princesses and men-in-tights?
  12. As an aside, lets keep Vampire fans well away from this. They are on the slippery slope to BSN romantics IMO.
  13. As a lich of long-standing, I can't really comment on Vampires as they are several levels below me. Aside from that they are dreadfully common: an upstart's Undeath. Lich-dom requires work and commitment, vampirism involves a night of being bitten by a Goth. *sigh* Anyhow, being a lich is overrated. If I'd had my time again I'd have probably ascended to demi-godhood and adopted the body of a handsome young man and gone spreading my unholy seed *sighs again * As it is I sit atop my ancient tower, occasionally terrifying the villagers, trying not to lose body parts to rot (I'm currently held together with duct-tape and epoxy resin) and seeing off pesky paladins and the like. So leave them out of the game, please, the fantasy (as ever) fails to live up to the reality.
  14. Too late. Crude firearms are in. And bombs. Made by gods. Sry.
  15. Hmmm. If he digs mortification of the flesh maybe he gets more powerful the more he gets hit. So he doesn't wear more --- it makes the pain... delicious. * creepy chuckle *
  16. I want to be a free-booting mercenary, a privateer, a scoundrel (with a *very* occasional Han-Solo-ish heart of gold). I want to hack my way through anyone who opposes me and serve those with the most money to pay me. I want to care not for slavery, politics, religion or intrigue, but to laugh at their machinations as I throw a comely whore over each shoulder after a night of boozing and brawling. In short, this sounds like a fairly good setting for all that. WOOF!!!
  17. LOL "deal with it" I'm not that bothered personally. Slightly bemused that they have gone with such a tired cliche but quietly confident that they will give it an agreeable twist.
  18. ^ Those are cool too, kind of crazy extremist flagellants.
  19. This is what I call a warrior-monk : Alternatively: And from the Crusades... Obz have gone on a traditional Eastern monk archetype filtered through the Albino dude from the Da Vinci code. *shrugs*
  20. I think the monk is unrealistic - he should be brewing beer or bee-keeping. Where's his apiary? Dammit.
  21. For any interested parties, my thread on this subject http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61336-the-paper-doll-thread/
  22. Call me old-fashioned, but bondage and drugs sounds a bit kinky to me. He's definitely made the cut for my party, baby.
  23. Why the hostility? And again, Obsidian always played with grey charachters. They never had a writing approach of good/evil. Because you were patronising and looking down your nose. If you can't see it then accept it was there.
  24. I'm not even remotely interested in realism. If I want that I can go to work or wander up the road. I want to play a larger-than-life character, and if that means an archetypical villain then so be it. Am not interested in woolly, muesli-eating BS about relativity, TBH. you are aware exactly this is the core of all obsidian games yes? I'm awfully sorry if my concept of what constitutes enjoyment differs from yours, but I've been playing their games since Interplay and don't seem to have run into the awful dichotomy you seem to suggest should make me go somewhere else.
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