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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Hmmm sounds less like an IE game and more like Sawyer finally remaking Darklands.
  2. I read it the same as Da Cat. Sawyer is pretty dictatorial about stuff like this. I hate it, I want XP for kills. In fact of all the stuff coming out of P:E the XP system is the thing that bugs me most. And vveeeerrrryyy slooooow levelling. It's meant to be fun, not a game of bridge.
  3. this is a sub-page of a bigger site. the concept of reddit is as a news site where everyone can comment on whatever article is posted. All articles also can be up or downvoted. the general idea is that the best/most popular news items or comments make it to the top. Ah so it's the tyranny of the idiotocracy?
  4. Yeah I went on it for the first time today and developed an unusually rapid, and visceral, loathing for it.
  5. I think they'll scrape it, and maybe even be in the foothills of 3.6 million.
  6. How did this thing become so popular. Jesus, it's just a wall of text.
  7. Sorry, can't be bothered. Decent GUI on websites is a prerequisite for me and Reddit is horrible to look at. Like I say, it's like the internet in 1996. But worse.
  8. 'tis horrible feels like something from the primal text-soup of the early interweb.
  9. Balance. Meh. The Rogue class shouldn't be a warrior-who-fights-differently. Which is what it's morphed into over the past ten years (qv Dragon Age). The Thief should be able to do a mixture of the following: * Be a skill monkey * Have specific combat strengths discrete to those of the fighter class (i.e. ranged or back-stab for example) * Be a reconnaissance expert * Play a specific locks and traps role * Be able, at high levels, to figure out how to use magic items This fairly vanilla rogue skillset has served games like D&D well for many years. It's not that broke, really, and doesn't need a lot of fixing.
  10. Cats are simply the Recon element of a very patient Alien race.
  11. Josh "Hand of Ferg" Sawyer plays Dungeon Master for his colleagues at Obsidian Entertainment.
  12. Love the look of Asian armours --- check out this Rajput armour. But possibly my favourite movie 'fantasy' armour was from King Arthur --- I know they were Dark Ages an' all but I really liked their gear --- And it would have been tough for Mads Mikkelsen to get any cooler as Tristran, Ranger archetype that blows Aragorn out of the water....
  13. * sigh * I told you all before, I *am* a lich. Have been for, ooooh, perhaps 780 years give or take a decade. Although I would generally not support the OP, as from personal experience I can tell you that being an ancient, undead, sould-devouring sorcerer of inestimable power is * seriously * overrated, this struck me as being of note: Thank you! At last. I tried to form GUoL (Greater Understanding of Liches) some years ago. What did we get? A regiment of bloody paladins besieging my tower! Bastards. Of course, none of them spotted the Sphere of Annihilation trap on the first level (I blame point buy systems for their uniformly low intelligence). It's as if people don't understand why becoming an immortal undead being isn't a world-threatening development (but give me another five hundred years). Anyhoo, must dash, my nose has fallen off (again) and I've run out of duct-tape.
  14. Why oh why oh why is Mummies Tea like 800gp a pop?
  15. Nahhhh.... he just commissioned a bust.
  16. That statue has to be of Od Nua. If you are a mad megalomanicacal wizard then of course you would dominate the dungeon with a massive statue of yourself.
  17. I am going to up my pledge, but TBH I am waiting until the last minute because I want to be part of the FINAL SURGE
  18. I hope, and indeed suspect, that they incorporate a few dungeon rules in there: i.e. some dungeon ecology principles and dynamic population metrics.
  19. As I said at the time, Dragon Age was about as tame as a Mid-West Ren Fayre.
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