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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. To be honest, it feels shorter than The Old Blood, even. I sure as hell did not rush through it.. the game just kinda guided me that way. You die really fast, and so do the enemies. Even the big ones that meant serious trouble in the old games... They are taken down in seconds now. Hell, even the huge super robot thingies go down in half a minute. Just had to use the assault rifle... mostly didn't used anything else at all. Difficulty felt borked to me since beginning of the game. Some scenes are crazy hard because you die so fast, while other scenes are super easy and you just steam-roll through them... Just stay in motion, don't use heavy weapons (they are too slow and not worth it) and you're good to go. I mean, it still is a kinda fun game, otherwise I wouldn't have continued playing it. I'm just disappointed with it being so short. /Edit: Oh, I hate how you have to hammer the E-key all the time to pick up items. Hated it already in the other games.
  2. Uh, apparently I just finished the new Wolfenstein game. It was... really short. Thought it would be about the american revolution, but in fact it is not. It's just "how it started" ... so pretty much a setup for either more DLC or another game. Lame. Have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it was fun (for the most time), the characters are likeable again, the cutscenes are very well done, the voice acting is super (the german cast is pretty much perfect at all times)... on the other hand, the whole beginning part was tedious, you're dying all the time out of nowhere because you can't focus on the HUD, the weapon selection feels kinda limited, and you're pretty much doing the same over and over again... They made a kinda big deal out of the KKK before release, but you never really interact with them at all. There's a short ingame scene with two guys and that's pretty much it. Eh... I really expected something more. I don't feel motivated to replay the maps to take out "Uberkommandanten" and pick up collectibles... The Old Blood was the best one so far, imo.
  3. If you had to shoot someone 20 times in the head, you probably used the wrong ammo type.
  4. Well, then I dunno. It's the gaming biz, so in worst case one can try to do stuff on their own, indie-style. Might be harder and doesn't necessarily work out, but it can totally be done. There's lots of studios now working purely via the internet as well, so you don't even have to see each other anymore face to face either.
  5. And my post was about nobody passing up on skilled folks because of their color or gender. If you're a good programmer, you could still find a job in the industry even if you're pink and got 5 legs.
  6. I just don't like when she is all in her "WHAT IS WRONG WITH MA BOI??"-mode. Hope they won't continue this in the next season.
  7. Just finished season 2. It was good, but not better than season 1. I never expected that to happen, though. Episode 7 felt so... thrown in. More like a setup for a 3rd season. Think that was the episode I liked the least and I just wanted it to end.
  8. I doubt the numbers are so low because everyone's a racist, but because there aren't enough such skilled people in the field. Pretty sure that if you're a great programmer or graphic designer, nobody is going to pass up on you just because you're black or a woman. That would be hella stupid in todays industry.
  9. Well, guess I just don't take it that serious.
  10. Haven't seen the new Star Trek yet, but The Orville is really damn good. It's my No1 show right now, even before The Walking Dead.
  11. Digging up that thread. Here is the recap of the CitzenCon: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/citcon-featured-content/16216-CitizenCon-2947-Recap Some great stuff shown. Will probably be cool to see this in action in 5 years.
  12. I'm waiting for the streams to be done and then only watch the interesting parts.
  13. Oh my god, what the heck is going on with this weekend?? Wolfenstein 2 release, CitizenCon, Stranger Things season 2,... damnit, I ain't got time for all of that.
  14. I thought the second movie wasn't that good. Still good, but not as good as the first. Felt to me like nothing really happened.. everything was just there to make for a longer movie and to set up a third one.
  15. You should play it pure at first, imo. Unlike Bethesda games, FNV can be enjoyed much even without a hundred mods. /edit: Well, except for this community fix mod, which likely is a reasonable choice. https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51664 https://rd.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552/?
  16. All this GoFundMe stuff sounds so crazy to me. It is so fkd up that you have to rely on other people donating money to you after some nutjob threw bullets at you. That this is even necessary... that's so Murica.
  17. No way, the company only wants to make money? Who would have expected that?
  18. Just slap a big TRIGGER WARNING sticker on it and be done.
  19. You mean Trump and guns? Because this thread usually is all about Trump and guns. Kinda refreshing to read something else in here for a change.
  20. It's a clever plan to trick the saviors into thinking the group is bad at doing aimed shots.
  21. Well, they never seem to have problems with finding ammunition and stuff, so why care? I tried to continue watching Fear the Walking Dead a couple days ago, but this Madison Clark character is just so unbearable for me. I can't stand her voice, I can't stand her face, I can't stand her always being the one who is right, I can't stand her always forcing her crap on other people (and then everything goes down the ****ter, obviously), I just want her to die since season 1, but it just doesn't happen. In that last episode I've seen, she is like "hey, how about we arm the native people who just arrived here a few days ago and nobody really trusts them! It makes totally sense to give them our automatic weapons, so they can disarm the rest of us, because this is how we make peace and trust!" ... god, I SWEAR she is sabotaging everything on purpose, otherwise I have no explanation for this behavior.
  22. Back in the days you had to kill the whole worldmap to gain as much xp as possible. If a monster in Elex gives barely anything now, I guess this isn't necessary anymore.
  23. Ok, finished Before the Storm episode 2. Not as intense as the first one, but still good. Now having to wait another 8 weeks. God damnit, I really don't like episode titles anymore.
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