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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Ah DNF. SupCom 2 on sale, but...meh they'd have to pay me to play that. Got NWN2, I figure it's the thing all the cool people are doing.
  2. Hm, back on the cross I see. Now, where's my popcorn.
  3. Well nuts, German women eliminated at home in the WWC. England choked today, so all in all a positive day slightly
  4. Wow, didn't know about that. Interesting idea for a character but creepy, heh. Amazing how Bioware comes up for no reason at all, as well.
  5. Hmm. Taste isn't that hot either, granted haven't had any high-brow booze. Fanciest I've had was Affligem and some beer from Quebec that uses unfiltered water or some nonsense. I'll stick to my Coke
  6. I never understood the appeal of booze. Just made me thirsty and sleepy eventually.
  7. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nation...article2090707/ Why does fun stuff like this never happen on my commute home. Heh, someone's going to kill one of these drivers someday.
  8. Going outside and being social is for suckers. Not sure what kind of scenario to make in OA.
  9. Tonight I stay at home and play Arma2:OA!
  10. Dull trailer for Planetside, but might still be fun.
  11. Red Alert 3 needed more T&A, really.
  12. Hope is indeed the first step on the road to disappointment.
  13. Probably, but at least they'll be playing the game rather than imagining it.
  14. Then we find it out it's nothing special.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14070733
  16. Well, cost cutting gets that, maybe. But generally have seen UK people complain about it so much I was always wondering if they had any competition at all over there, heh. So far, spacing out for 3 hours 45 minutes. Going good.
  17. I'm always amazed at BT's continued existence.
  18. Err..over what? That marketing fluff? Might be worth following that game, anyway,.
  19. So kinda like Freespace then.
  20. Shepard becomes the leader of the Reapers somehow and makes them leave organics alone.
  21. Hopefully the court also asks them to, y'know, PROVE their claim.
  22. Whoops reading failure. Excess of $5000, not $5000 Still, wonder how they'll prove the lost sales.
  23. Mostly spacing out at work. Headphones sure make this easier, especially now that everyone I used to talk to has resigned, hehe.
  24. Feh, I still play the original. Sure it's mostly the same 40 people playing at an insane skill level, but pretty fun.
  25. So vehicle griefing and lots of TK'ing when able ? Speaking of Tribes, they're making another game, no ?
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