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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe we should make forum sigs!
  2. You hope...
  3. Seems pretty realistic to me.
  4. Think other stuff too, like suicides, boys and young men's performance in schools or crime, from what I've read over time about that stuff. Might be some worth to it, as usual all you ever hear are the wackos though.
  5. Lords of Football, meh I guess it's ok. It's the Sims but with a football team, due to them not having licencing, the Bundesliga has teams like Dortmund Bees, Bayern Reds and Wolfsburg Wolves.
  6. oh well lookee what happened recently. Meh, a bunch of dumbasses from Toronto acting up.
  7. That and she's from Flori-duh
  8. Well, at least they're not canonizing her quite yet. Did at least learn about Britain and the Khmer Rouge from it, didn't know SAS allegedly trained some of them.
  9. Yes, it is. Also, she stood up to the trade unions and generally advocated free markets and competition as opposed to socialist ossification. She was more concerned about enabling the creation of wealth than promoting its kleptocratic confiscation and distribution by the government. God speed, Iron Lady. Pretty low bar you have for something as lofty as 'champion of liberty' then.
  10. How was she a champion of liberty ? Opposing USSR isn't really enough for that.
  11. Slashdot had a good joke about installing a pay toilet above her grace as a way to pay for it.
  12. I get the sense she was disliked
  13. So, I'm guessing what they're prepared to do about it based on the past year or so of all the outrage is just write righteous articles, creating hashtags and videos ?
  14. Okay, done that. Now what ?
  15. Streisand effect skews things, I think.
  16. Probably better to express it as H ∝ PC
  17. Yep. But I suppose in a way it is nice to see people in a natural state, although up to a point. You must be disturbed pretty easily As for inviting wrath over Sarkeesian, come on.
  18. I think most female cRPG fans would end up on the Bioware or Bethesda forums and linger there as they may be fans of the new Fallout or TES or DA, etc. rather than a fan of New Vegas. So while they may create an account here, it'll be just for NV and then when that fades they take off.
  19. Yeah, he's having a nice time on the cross with that explanation, heh. Seems he blocked the comments for nothing with 95% of respondents praising him for his brave stand.
  20. Was more of a joke at what I suspect you're getting at, especially with the RPS article. Not really seeing this as a question we must ask, but eh. Just looking at a simple answer to it rather than anything more grandiose. I guess you'd need to get some numbers on how many active posters we actually have out of the ~ 40,000 registered ones.
  21. Why don't we see more women here? Probably because they don't come to post here. A bunch came in with you and all the PE people, I think, I guess they stay in that subforum or just lurk. Wait, it's supposed to be the misogynist culture that permeates this place, right ?
  22. Cazorla is such a cheerful guy as well.
  23. Odd why that is special - pretty much everything is unserious and unrealistic and immature in games. As for closing the comments who knows, Walker could just be a giant puff like Kuchera is. I guess trolling or disagreeing comments that can be painted as such constitute silencing or something. Meh, it's just the usual "justice!" jawing online, in any case.
  24. More fun to reject them. I always get these huffy "Seriously? This is a multiplayer game!" type of responses when I do that. Of course they are right in that wanting to solo a MMORPG is kind of odd.
  25. Suspect this will be buggy POS but.. http://www.lordsoffootball.com/en/index.html Seems like an interesting premise.
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