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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It would. Although if you're in Dark Heresy, well, your boss might take a dim view of you having feelings (although they can vary as well).
  2. At least you have a desk LadyCrimson, I have one of those cart like desks. Annoying lack of space
  3. Wonder how grimdark they could make it. Can't very well go about executing mutant kids in a game these days (well that and maybe my sessions were too 'war crime' oriented.
  4. Awesome use of it in Saints Row 3.
  5. Something that will sell really well, that's all.
  6. Do you want a cookie ?
  7. The grace was a typo, meant grave.
  8. Corruption in the West is just done with a bit more style and grace.
  9. I'd have asked her how much they were paying her for the advertising.
  10. Meh, a social life is overrated! Today was a so so today, urgent issue waited for me when I got in at 0740, and I wanted today to be a nice calm day too. Looking ahead to a boring weekend, cleaning, watching the doggies and maybe studying a bit.
  11. Ah ok, you meant that. Yeah, I think it's been that way since 2 at least. Then again Civ V's AI is so bizarre in attitudes, I'm surprised some aren't impressed by that, heh
  12. Yep. Even in real life, cultural genocide usually doesn't give you a great rep. Oh reputation, meh. Thought there was some happiness change or some serious penalty to it. And not genocide if you just take their cities.
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2307480/Ding-Dong-The-Witch-Is-Dead-Well-play-5-seconds-say-bungling-BBC-Margaret-Thatcher-protest-song.html If you're not getting your RDI of outrage.
  14. You people and your comments to oby are pretty funny, so maybe he does know!
  15. There's a penalty for you wiping a Civ out ?
  16. Pft, to hell with the common man. As for why, well people enjoy wasting time on stuff - is funny to count people with their noses in their phones on the bus/streetcar/subway. Well that and people who like being handcuffed to work. I have a Samsung Galaxy Q, low end smartphone, don't have a data plan so I just use it to watch Youtube videos in bed or leech wifi when I can to kill time in waiting rooms.
  17. Lords of Football. Interesting concept, kind of dull to play. User interface is a bit wonky in terms of getting data on players. Although my squad are a bunch of sex-addicted drunkards, so explains our poor performance.
  18. Can imagine that not endearing one to some people. But largely who cares if people want to spit on her grave.
  19. Malcador


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gfcI4AMffc Not as impressive without the explosion and hundreds of cheering Chinese.
  20. Probably a scam somehow.
  21. Slightly more convincing than Olyphaunt as 47.
  22. Should have found some migrant workers to talk to.
  23. ****ing Westerners. So what if we belong to the proud CIS
  24. I still don't get the appeal of that woman, but oh well. Another pointless day, kind of wishing Spring would start - warm now, but back to winter temps and freezing rain tonight.
  25. Hmm not sure 'communism' was the greater evil to some of the dictators.
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