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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I'm sure his apology really counted for much, heh.
  2. Sob stories work! Hope it's worth that price for you, though.
  3. Read that on PCGamer, that site is down at the moment - http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/04/29/indie-development-sim-game-dev-tycoon-gives-pirates-a-taste-of-their-own-torrenting/ Not really going to work if the people actually crack the game though. But makes for good PR, I suppose. Mirror of the dev's posting
  4. Wasn't he missing since Mar 15 ? Probably unrelated to Reddit's wannabe SIGINT people
  5. Or you could have woken up to stuff written on the wall with your blood. But then you'd be dead in that case so you wouldn't wake up.
  6. Strange, strange people.
  7. Trailer from the fanfest this year.
  8. I'd expect that of you.
  9. Doubt they really care, I'd imagine. Bunch of people that sneer anyway, sneer again. Wonder how much of a 'thing' it is, anyway, like the parachutes for workers after 9/11 - I don't believe that really went widespread. But Guardian needs ammo.
  10. Pet elk ? I doubt they would care all that much. I just find outrage online amusing most of the time.
  11. Ah, there was the indignation I was seeking.
  12. Was expecting more righteous indignation about this. Also reading chatter about Banished, odd how people are disappointed at the lack of combat. Some one said that an external aggressor is 'essential'. It being an option like Caesar isn't all that bad to me. Hm, not sure many of you play city builder games, but any of you think the games needs to have combat at some level to be fun (or the option to anyway) ?
  13. Not if the parents do their PSYOP well enough.
  14. Should visit Russia or Ukraine some day, some cool things to see like that Motherland Calls statue.
  15. Well for you, he does otherwise. Is a bit odd to purchase three copies to me, or to download it after buying it (why not crack an image of it ?), but eh that's people. Heh, why he wasted his time asking that question, I don't know.
  16. Content 'supplier' still got paid though, so not really that heinous.
  17. I suppose the funny reactions people have at EA's history or attitude or activities does make the market look immature, but those people still fork out their cash, so I can't really see that doing much other than painting the 'community' (if such a thing exists). Don't people hate on EA for not trying new ideas with their games and just doing same old same old, rather than the other way around ? Anyway, thanks for the explanation on why this bother you.
  18. Last EA game I bought was Bad Company 2, I think - that was a poor purchase as well in hindsight. So definitely not a loyal consumer to them. Not sure about your example, depends on the delivery I suppose - can be a disagreement based on opinion or some fanboy reaction. Still stand by my claim that you shouldn't be loyal (to me, I take that as regularly consuming stuff from that company regardless of things) to a company. It's not like EA is too big to fail
  19. Got myself about 20 shift codes, so my Axton sucks less in TVHM (I always have terrible luck with drops)
  20. Well respected, don't know about that, doubt any of the mega publishers are respected all that much. Them suddenly imploding, while amusing in a way and would produce some funny posts online, would shake up things pretty well, I agree. What on earth are you talking about with 'loyalty' and EA or Bioware ? You shouldn't owe any company that.
  21. The postings I was talking about wasn't the kind you opened talking about, but alright.
  22. You're QA right ? No shortage of jobs in that field, well or at least all these recruiters tell me so
  23. EA does that now ? But even so, someone else will make them if people want them, I guess. Forgot the joke-indicating emoticon
  24. Space Empires IV now available. Pretty fun 4X game, only played SE3, 4 and 5 and I liked this one the best. Would have expected it to be cheaper than $9.99.
  25. Yep, took my 50 into UVHM to see what it was like, got wrecked by a bullymong of all things. My Maya is spec'd for the MC ability at the moment (I think), but even that really didn't help me out that much. Might tackle tat with friends anyway, rather than solo, waiting on one guy at the moment.
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