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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Nope, not annoying or mental. Kind of funny, for the most part.
  2. That doesn't really change what I said. See above, for example. *shrug*
  3. I'm all for a more hateful, spiteful world with discrimination based on race or ethnicity. All that conflict is good fodder for stories, after all.
  4. You can't find a cute dachshund picture ? Even without external links, save and repost ? Sheesh.
  5. Hm, not really that irrelevant if he's planning to be there for years. That and you all are pretty easy to troll too
  6. Catchy chiptune.
  7. w00t! Today every issue I chose at work I thought was going to be a simple one. Boy did that turn out wrong.
  8. Oh eluding the cops is easy, not as easy as Sleeping Dogs where you just pop the tires. The missions where you have to chase down some mook in a car annoy me, lot of wasted time to getting in my car (wish you could hop in like SR3, heh). But nothing unsurmountable.
  9. Still with GTA4, car chases are my bane due to my inability to drive in games like these, well or at least not drive the same way the prey car drives.
  10. Probably the jabs aimed about him being a gun loon or something.
  11. Has he said he wanted such a thing ? Although he treats weapons with reckless abandon, apparently, heh.
  12. Well some of your list is fine, but I do find it funny you'd not push energy efficiency (that really should be easy for people to want - pay less for gas, power, etc.) yet have things on your list of what's ok to eat or how many kids to have. But yeah, nothing like that'll get done in my lifetime.
  13. So, have your guns picked out for your killing spree, Woldan ?
  14. Do you always try to come across like an editorial from a Right porn rag ?
  15. Well based on the set he has to defend from your snarky remark, depends on how much the measures have an effect on him and what kind of effect as well. So what would you want done, exactly ?
  16. I like the box for RTW2.
  17. "What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output." -- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter" Probably what the manager there told them.
  18. Ahh smugness, heh. The alternative's not likely to protect him that much either, really.
  19. His career's gone places.
  20. I guess that 'killing' vs 'murder' distinction comes into play. The life jacket scenario's a bit different than some psycho trying to kill your or a family member though.
  21. Love for baseball? Good point.
  22. How do you 'imagine' you share values with Japan, by the way ?
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