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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Inefficient as well, gas or tranquilizer darts work best.
  2. You clearly have not written some Engineering exams.
  3. I honestly hope he does,
  4. Wonder how genuine that is.
  5. That might work.
  6. She had the deadpan reaction after her father got iced, right ?
  7. Reading that in Rutger Hauer's voice makes it all the more enjoyable.
  8. Sure you had a chance, well unless all of them charged you with the intent to beat you up or something.
  9. Thought I was pretty clear. I guess it was just the wording was funny, though with these preachy open letters I read now and then, one can never be too sure.
  10. Making sure your sex is consensual as the best gift one can give one's self is the actually funny part.
  11. Just concerned about social justice that's all. "You might not think it now, but making sure the sex you are involved in always involves complete consent will be the best gift you can give your future self" is laughable though, the best gift, heh.
  12. Most of that list is just par for the course on my team. I guess we need to be more corporate.
  13. Another day at Initech. Our dear leader realizes that after 4 people leaving, that we do need people! I am glad that we have his strategic vision at the top to ensure our team can handle the workload. Also did find it funny that they give the other support guys written tests (a bit insulting, given their non-existent training).
  14. Those shoes on the last one can not be comfortable.
  15. That's why you just get them to sign a form beforehand.
  16. Syria won't fight Israel under pretty much any circumstances. They'd lose, badly, even if they weren't fighting a civil war as well, plus it would guarantee US intervention, even if you had a neo isolationist (Rand Paul? so practically unlikely) as President. You can make a nice parallel between Israel's 'theoretical' nuclear stockpile and Syria's 'theoretical' stockpile though-since they both exist for the same reason (if we look like losing a war we'll nuke Damascus/ if we look like losing a war we'll gas Tel Aviv), are both undeclared, both 'illegal', both never been used (r00fles!) etc. Thought he meant my statement on Israel's nuclear weapons. Guessing that if the US stopped caring about Israel, any future war probably would be with Syria if any state were to.
  17. Gel pen leaked out in my shirt pocket so the shirt MAY be ruined. Will hit the shirt with bleach or something when I get home tonight. Did manage to get a trip home to change though (20 min cab ride and 20 min to get back), part of me feels that's wasteful, but wasn't a fan of 6 hours with a stained shirt and undershirt on. Truly a dull day
  18. It's hardly a conspiracy theory.
  19. Would be interesting to see, I guess only Syria might try tangling with Israel. Or Israel decides to use those nukes it denies having.
  20. And maybe it is an accurate representation of them. Then what ?
  21. The soundtrack seems nice, at least. The line about giving one's son's life is pretty funny.
  22. Do you have multiple exams through the semester in each course? We just get one big one at the end.. Usually we have tests/labs, a midterm and final. For engineers the breakdown was usually 20%,20%,60%. I did like some people ended up writing a final out of 36 marks that was 100% of their grade.
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