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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Yeah, I won't hold my breath to see how that keenness plays out. Best option is to just stay out of it.
  2. Well if there unfortunately is an intervention, I'm sure the EU will send troops to back up the US. Heh.
  3. Cleaning while playing an mp3 from this video on my sister's radio , motivational!
  4. Nothing stops the dust settling here, we have super dust. Or just the minerals sprayed out by the humidifier.
  5. We should get together sometime and play a few rounds of the new hit, "Interactive Housekeeping," with deep player choices like "Dust then vacuum, or vacuum then dust?" And the consequences of that, such as the dust stirred up by dusting falling on the freshly vacuumed carpet! Usual day of incessant screaming and arguing. Trying to stress to my family that line from Rising Sun about how you fix the ****up and no one gets blamed and that being better than fighting over the blame, but oh well.
  6. Tonight I'm vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom.
  7. Well that's good, keep living.
  8. Even Pearl Harbour ?
  9. Well a kick to the ass isn't the same as a knock on it.
  10. So Gifted1 is Liam Neeson ? This changes everything.
  11. Hm, I realize I barely read much fantasy from this discussion
  12. Frugal eater. I'll be having toast and cheese.
  13. Slapping him and telling him to get a job, seems like the best you can do.
  14. Pah women, a distraction from coding and gaming! Fielding a client that's gone on into full on toddler mode - 'I see this number here, what does it mean?' 'Why is that way?' 'Why doesn't it match up with this number I see here?' 'Why is that?'. We have some that at least know what they don't know (or don't f'ing care all that much) but these ones that go rogue and try to figure stuff out on their own for some reason are the annoying ones. On the bright side, rage is waaaay better than caffeine to wake one up, I guess the increased heart rate helps for a bit.
  15. They'd be a great at a football match
  16. Going back to Raven Shield from Vegas 2 was funny, friend was complaining about the lack of mobility and the slower pace. I just liked leaning and being able to slowly open doors.
  17. Giroud's face is great there.
  18. Meh to the art style in the Broken Sword game, so far.
  19. Fan Expo going on, so lots of weirdo cosplayers around the city once again. Was funny to go for a walk and then end up behind the ticket gate somehow, didn't walk though any security or anything, but people's reactions was funny.
  20. I just had a salami sandwich. Dinner will probably be, as always, rice and chicken.
  21. I preferred Witcher 1's combat myself, that is a rarity, heh. I just prefer the fancy pirouetting with the group style (and the styles in general).
  22. Oh, well, I remember ETD being a name for an SR3 DLC along with all the garbage DLC they had for it.
  23. This forum's nosiness is reaching new heights!
  24. Think it was, supposed to be Enter the Dominatrix then that got put into a full game once they saw how SR3 went with the public. At least that is what I recall.
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