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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, if you want it to do more then it'll have to tread into a world government which I'm sure not many would go for. Interesting that this kind of outlines the damage Iraq did to the US in terms of people buying it's intelligence. As for the conflict : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10276910/Syria-BBC-Panorama-films-napalm-attack-on-school.html Napalming a school now. I guess Assad's gone fully crazy.
  2. Never know though, maybe the US will wait for it to come back. Not going to hurt to get ducks in a row and the UN's backing.
  3. Wonder how long it'll take for the UN experts to give their report.
  4. Interesting poll results, I like the result of needing Congress' approval.
  5. He was great in Doom.
  6. Buying a laptop for my sister for her birthday. Also debating just getting some RAM and maybe an SSD for my machine or maybe a full upgrade. 2 year old machine, so that's a bit early.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urpvEyvcuN0
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23862114
  9. What a nightmare.
  10. The world's full of bad people, though.
  11. The same day UN inspectors arrive and that's the perfect excuse for the West, already gunning for him, to step in after the requisite videos of dead children and crying adults, etc. Seems a really weird decision to make. Ah well, hope this adventure just costs from the TLAMs.
  12. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ap-sources-in-spite-of-obamas-assertion-intelligence-on-weapons-use-in-syria-no-slam-dunk/2013/08/29/131c3284-107a-11e3-a2b3-5e107edf9897_story_1.html Heh. Take it as you will, though.
  13. Huh, they're owned by the Koch guys ?
  14. Why did Assad decide to do this right now, anyway, isn't he winning ?
  15. Yep. Doesn't look great, but eh, it's the NATO3 guy and $15 so my friends and I will be up for it.
  16. I go with 'be careful if she has a knife'.
  17. It looks like Raven Shield slightly polished, but hopefully it's more like that than Vegas
  18. I guess she didn't do sufficient damage with the strike.
  19. Congratulations, hope it leads somewhere.
  20. Not enough roids.
  21. Well, heh, good for you. As for citizens not wanting their nation to go waste money bombing some other country, that's hardly surprising unless that country is actively threatening them.
  22. Playing Tiny Tina's DLC with friends, rolled 19 on a chest and got two sweet, sweet SMGs. I do like how they change the map on the fly, so to speak, as Tina's flip flops a lot. Not as gratingly annoying as I thought and I guess one theme is her dealing with Roland dying.
  23. Well considering the sources that are saying it was obviously him, you have to be somewhat skeptical.
  24. Good to hear you'll keep on living, Nepenthe.
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