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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It being of devoid of need, more than anything else, even considering this forum's nature.
  2. Ah, Wynne. Saved my bacon many a time.
  3. What does that have to do with anything? You are also, by that definition, a nobody, so I guess we should ignore you. If it were from a moderator then it'd have a reason for being in this forum (ultimately Infinitron's question) as a what to do, but considering the source of it, it's not a surprise. As it stands, was this subforum really awash with abusive posts and hate mail before hand to elicit this?
  4. The way they are posed I can't help but see that as from some weird boy band concert. Nice hat though, if impractical.
  5. Christmas should be 30-40% I guess, maybe more if Deep Silver starts to go out of business or something
  6. Probably, go back to the 30s and be old time gangsters.
  7. Wonder where they can go from here, heh.
  8. Yeah, coming from essentially a nobody, big whoop.
  9. Not true, if someone calls your name out really loud, you'll come back good as new. It's a Zeistian thing
  10. I initially wondered at the uniform, who knew staff officers dressed like that. Watchign this at work as well..nothing to do but torture myself, really.
  11. Huh, so you ARE ancient then. Mine is obvious, and I change avatars often, of late has been 40k artwork.
  12. Have to appreciate Russia's honesty in some things - they'd have just started killing all the principals.
  13. http://www.destructoid.com/review-the-bureau-xcom-declassified-260320.phtml The Bureau review
  14. Fools and their money. Can't blame them.
  15. You first, you asterisk-ampersand-hash-hash-exclamation-tilde-percent sign
  16. It's LGBTQ now or something like that.
  17. Here ? Heh, hardly. Still though, is an interesting art, name-calling.
  18. Guess we need a list of approved words, then.
  19. Well, hard to not be offensive if you're essentially insulting someone.
  20. True enough, but calling Philippa a bad word and saying she deserved her treatment isn't really anything sinister.
  21. Can't even use nasty words against people you don't like these days.
  22. Clients are an never ending source of amusement as they bitch for solutions then decide to not take the solutions and instead want some OTHER fixes ahead of the supposedly urgent ones. And then complain about the service they get.
  23. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/08/19/0x10c-cancelled-for-good-but-fans-plan-to-do-it-anyway/ That Notch guy giving up on that space game he was working on.
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