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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I'll cut you.
  2. I read that as misery first, was confused by your post as a result.
  3. Had meant to register back when I got KOTOR 2 but was at school and remembered forums was a bad idea with my time management in Uni, heh. But registered when FO:NV was announced.
  4. Trying to get these Sanford Onyx pens to embed themselves in the ceiling tiles at work. Sadly, they don't fly quite well.
  5. To provoke you again, I assume.
  6. Ok, that update was way too long, can someone in the know summarize? It looks like they are basically saying, we are out of money so we are giving up. That's pretty messed up for a project that raised half a million bucks. Did they at least send out all the physical rewards? Figures something with Stephenson is too long... Can't he put in some of his own money, he must be pretty well off, no ?
  7. Come now, armour is sexy
  8. Could be, am not sure of what range one can expect a secondary explosion (or that cool term of sympathetic detonation), so the explosion on the left could be it.
  9. Hm, thought they'd gone beyond melee combat. But then again, maybe they just like fighting up close. Also, wouldn't catching an opponent's sword in your armour work out for you ?
  10. At first glance looks like they hit that with artillery
  11. Give booze, something cheap-ish but not hobo-grade.
  12. Armour looks pretty good, functional. Not sure how strong that mail-like material is, but could use more abdomen protection.
  13. Did seem a bit off to me, but I guess that is the design. Those shoes can't be comfortable, but I'm learning women are masochists when it comes to these things.
  14. That all because Subotic wasn't let back on ASAP ? That's some good rage though.
  15. Agreed, is why I got mine via mail order.
  16. Not even maternal sabotage can keep a good gamer down for long! Is why I just turn my PC off when I'm not using it. Saves electricity as well.
  17. Drinks for a departing coworker were postponed to the guy being sick on his penultimate day. Hopefully he shows up, then a pathetic percentage of the office will go to this club renowned for being a cougar hangout to see him off.
  18. Well for games that make ridiculous money easily like this or COD or maybe BF, sure.
  19. TOR's doing well now, I thought.
  20. Hm, didn't notice much of that in SR4 or SR3, might have forgotten it in the latter though. In terms of social commentary, there's a lot of satire of other games and stuff though.
  21. People claim SR's supposed zany-ness does, so who knows what people are measuring this stuff by
  22. True enough, intention's not to try hide them but just be a bit more discreet. Also get something supportive, wonder if back pain is in her future.
  23. I'd suggest she wear a better top.
  24. Filled with an overpowering sense of despair. Or may be sleepy. Coffee and raging will aid in this.
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