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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Seems like a good price.
  2. Thought the aid was going to be chemical warfare gear and related equipment. And haven't they already been arming the rebels ?
  3. I haven't asked her yet. I'm going to do it while we're away. I'm hoping for moonlit Hawaiian beach or something memorably cheesy like that. Eh, just do it efficiently via an Outlook meeting invite (old coworker did that) :D
  4. Everyone gives as they get and have a laugh about it in our case. But we've long since cracked.
  5. Pft. I'm hoping for another Sleeping Dogs type game, breaking arms, legs and causing solar plexus damage was great fun.
  6. I liked Dwayne, what's wrong with depressing characters ?
  7. Can't wait to grab it when it's dirt cheap on PC. Playing a bit of Arma 3 now, trying to get a handle on the controls and editor. Haven't looked up scripting, but for all it's suckiness Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising had a nice editor. At least for the fact that scripting was easy to add to a mission. Oh, and for GTA V - https://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/rockstar-games-dont-make-a-pc-version-of-gta-v#share
  8. Always a good idea to consult with management. Reading Glassdoor reviews of my company, I have to say "I should have worked in a supermarket" takes the cake.
  9. Hm, fair enough. I guess it is just a shame there's no independent agency to investigate it, CIA claiming anything doesn't really fill me with confidence, likewise claims by Russian agencies.
  10. That's all ? Shame, was hoping they'd have killed him Who is immediately rejecting evidence though ? So far we're still at the "could be either" stage, no ? And you don't take past experiences into account when someone claims something ? I think the US not acting like they wanted to see the UN report first probably made them seem overeager with the usual outrage.
  11. Even so, people see the lead up to that as laden with lies (incidentally, where is Chalabi these days, I wonder, hm). There's not been any real objective proof for people disagreeing to put their fingers in their ears and ignore, in the face of so much BS and the parties involved coming out of this I'd think caution to act is a decent default option.
  12. Well if it raises one's blood pressure. Am in one of the southern parts of Canada, yes, but it's nice to use inappropriate terms in writing and speech.
  13. **** you!
  14. Really ? It's just a lack of trust. Recall the last time there was a 'bad guy' with scary weapons in that part of the world That and they're no friend to Syria and have seemed pretty eager.
  15. Y'all take this far too seriously then.
  16. Realizing reading people being outraged over things on the internet is too entertaining for me than it should be, but still is pretty funny. Today's bit is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/13/mom-twerking-shame-video_n_3916580.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular . Some comments on punishment being bad for kids are good, heh. Nice sunny cool day, and...my project is going nowhere again. Enjoyable.
  17. Nothing matching that description. I used to have fun with Bejeweled Blitz competing with friends, but that's just a simple matchup game.
  18. How do you 'really' buy a game ? Seems more like he's wasting his money than anything else. Like me forking cash over to Ubisoft. Takedown gameplay. Still feel it'll be a gamble. Those animations need work, heh.
  19. That it's a waste of money better spent on games and PC hardware ? Dealing with a friend who decided to fall out with me because I was grumpy to her two weeks ago, rather funny but didn't imagine she'd be that soft. Also cold weather is here at last, huzzah!
  20. I think the point was buying the games from a developer that one already has bad experiences with, rather than playing games that are bad to completion (the poster quit early when they weren't fun, I gather) or merely talking about it. Not sure why negativity about games is a bad thing, though.
  21. Wasn't really that eager, just seemed like a fitting joke at the time. Thought at least he has kept in shape at his age, similar to some ex-military types. Try to keep the avatars 40k related, given my screen name.
  22. I wonder what Freud would say: http://goo.gl/WURZ3R That you're gay for Putin, it seems.
  23. His face is that of a dog plotting nefarious deeds.
  24. Can't wait to escape coworkers tonight. I think there's some farewell drinks for a team member leaving next week, too, hmm, annoying. Really should have called in sick and spent quality time being a couch for my dachshund.
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