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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. The things people do. Wonder if they still have a similar show here in Toronto - last I heard of it was about 5-6 years ago.
  2. Not quite as energetic as his Sky ad back in the day.
  3. Did learn that the Abrams can do a 360 degree turret traverse in 9 seconds or so, neat. But yeah, in urban areas an IFV or the like would be better. And Gifted, they've had BMPs for years which fills the same role.
  4. I dread the ant insurgency every summer. Turned the entire cluttered kitchen over and vinegared the counters (I read this messes with their trails and they kind of don't like the scent) to fight them.
  5. I say thanks or express gratitude to people all the time, doesn't really make me feel any happier. Though I suspect it is because I am addicted to grumpiness.
  6. Leftover spaghetti with ground beef, cheap and cheerful.
  7. A mayoral candidate said something pretty funny about deporting all homeless out of the city, said he had a 'final solution' to the problem. Didn't win, naturally.
  8. I can write a life story similar as mine is too okay to complain about. I'd hate to be on call, our clients have to do that crap and that'd result in me getting fired for being too ragey about it at work.
  9. Cool story.
  10. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/191accgnmnevzjpg/original.jpg Size comparison image of various sci-fi spaceships. Rather large, so better to just open it via browser rather than the forum.
  11. People are still shocked about that, at this point ?
  12. Watched Arsenal do it the hard way. Again. Sad that United won, but oh well.
  13. Thank God for Blessed Europeans.
  14. 10 friends ? pft.
  15. I'd imagine you don't need an MG to be really accurate for the most part, is suppressive fire, commonly. Hm, how did we get here, I wonder.
  16. You do have to lug the thing around though, though I guess you have AG to help out with the ammo.
  17. Seems like most of the issues you raised are being progressed, so not that bad. As I tell my friend that for some reason seems most obsessed with finding a woman, just have to keep trying and it never hurts to just gain them as friends rather than girlfriends or whatever.
  18. Listening to the Rogue Spear soundtrack and feeling rather nostalgic for my last year of high school, heh. Much like last year of Uni it was pretty fun, and a lot better than now.
  19. That doesn't matter though, if you trip you can't reach for another player like that, especially not to pants him
  20. New tackling style. Also, no penalty given for that.
  21. The soldier with the FAL looks out of his wits, heh.
  22. I've spent so many years on sub-par PCs I've learned to tolerate low FPS, heh. But I'd think once you get 30-40 consistently without too much stuff blowing up on the screen, you're ok.
  23. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/09/mpaa-school-propaganda/
  24. Oh cool, now I don't need to buy that.
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