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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Made some kolaches, with ham, cheddar and jalapenos. Came out ok, but not sure it is acceptable for the effort.
  2. They should do well, any tank will not do well if people can take free shots at the sides or rear. I do recall one mythical story of a Challenger resisting 70 RPG-7s in one engagement. Guess the infantry had the day off there.
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64274755 So Challengers going, guess the Brits want bragging rights.
  4. I've found I have to reload after it eats a post, allow it to restore the post and then make a change of punctuation and then it works.
  5. Hopefully not, can't really see that accomplishing much other than inspiring some Sabaton songs in the future, as opposed to just leaving for another line of defense elsewhere. Disappointed not seeing as many 'pinch of salt' puns about Soledar though, hah..
  6. Robbie Bachman.
  7. Need to fill that timesheet in somehow.
  8. Bold claim. CNN reported later that they're on the edges of the town, sort of funny the soldier quoted said there's no point staying too.
  9. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-1-13-23/h_036eee5859c67517f9a4b066faaf144b Soledar may be over for now, for real ?
  10. I would say so, French troops were more experienced than the Russians. In any event, wouldn't say they merely threw bodies at the French. Funnily enough that battle was pitched for some political reasons as well. Worked out well in the end I guess, though.
  11. Yep, over the campaign their A-level units are shredded, I think Ukraine's better off that way (see the TDF meatshields). But VDV is still operating (reminds me when Kamil Galeev was golden for saying what people liked to hear ), at leas and they still have SOF roaming aroundt. But suppose it's not a case of elite or dross. Definitely not the case in Borodino they tried to bury the French with numbers as they were pretty much matched numerically, were defending against an invader and decided to fight them tooth and nail. Not sure if that holds in Kursk. I guess the "Recon Fire Complex" doctrine they have does look a bit ruthless, but it can be effective, even with very weak points.
  12. Maybe, they do have decent units there and not just TDF meatshields like earlier. I do hear they are getting mauled themselves, but reporting on Ukrainian dead varies with what fear they need to ratchet up to get a new weapons system most of the time. I'm more amazed there are still civilians in those towns.
  13. Resignations means I have no veteran back up for about 6 hours each day, fantastic
  14. I guess, although if they're such trash they can't be that bad to have not been trounced yet. Is funny watching commentary on Soledar, some mappers say the Russians have 80% of the town, others saying Ukraine's retaken half of it. Is rather interesting both have decided to grind each other up over it. I didn't think they would invade as they'd fail due to the US having money and weapons to burn (well not their stores of Abrams and Bradleys anyway).
  15. Operation Iraqi Freedom (such a lame name) had about 400k troops as well.
  16. Would be an inaccurate one, really. Considering most of the reports on their tactics aren't going to be from unbiased people and even combat footage is just a mere slice. But hey at least you didn't call them Mongols. Not too sure of that, 200k wasn't enough to tackle Ukraine.
  17. Realize it's SM1, SO1 is WC2 But finally done it, those last few missions were hell. The mission where you have to defend the Tiger's Claw were suffering due to the game chugging to the point my joystick trigger wouldn't result in anything happening. Funny enough I beat the mission, the TC starts rendering oddly when I tried to dock and then Iceman bought it colliding with the TC.
  18. Only did two, wasn't necessary really but with parents better safe than sorry. Very negative experience
  19. https://mobile.twitter.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1612560186354302976
  20. Came across a catchy Russian song, turns out it's pretty much an elegy to the Orlan
  21. For residential pickup you deal with the company directly ? Always had public pickup, although half the city is private but they are contracted out to the municipal government. Not even sure why the city went with GFL, other than obvious corruption, public pickup has been ok for me, 10 years and maybe 5-6 issues during that time and nothing colossal (they collected the trash the next day most of the time). Spending my day working in Excel. So...more crushing boredom than usual
  22. Slugging my way through WC SO1. Some of these missions are just pain. Getting buried in fighters with my idiot wingman. Although, did have a good run in BiFrost 3 - just tried to primary the outpost while the fighters missed me or crashed into it. 102 kills and still just a Captain, bah, ****ing Confed.
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