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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Suitably the crap they put in Ukraine combat footage
  2. Yes, exactly, I was saying the governments of those countries is the same as the 'Ndragheta or Yakuza. The force a government can bring to bear when it decides to - especially these days where you dress things up as "terrorism" - was the point of that, not that difficult a concept to grasp about why that would deter most criminals from acting up during a prestige event. Funny that you mention Italy, friend was telling me on how OC there took on the state in the 90's the other day, I'll have to read up on that. edit : OG, hah, too much gangsta rap for me.
  3. Poor Moldova here
  4. Oh, so the method of how the leader was picked matters here. But like people cleaning before company comes, countries do likewise. Brazil had their police "pacify" favelas and such before the World Cup - I've heard people talk about those ranging from Hearts and Minds to black bagging people. Nothing so dramatic needed in 2006 or 2002 - maybe we can come up with some way to generalize those peoples to explain that Not even sure a warning is really needed for that, the government in any country is the biggest gang in a way. Should be understood that to embarrass them means a hammer will fall on you - sort of like how in many places there are unacceptable murder victims, heh - not to mention the vast security apparatus deployed for these events means starting trouble outside of their gaze is going to be difficult. Will be interesting to see if any mass shooting attempts happen in 2026 though - someone upset their team loses going nuts with an AR-15 or something.
  5. Worst part is all these weeb fans Hopefully Belgium disposes of Canada later today, will salvage this day for me.
  6. Germany is useless again.
  7. Seems pretty bog standard when hosting an event.
  8. Not sure of the damage, other than making some people get oddly excited for a NATO-Russia war. Not as if the players involved are basing actions majorly off the papers, considering what's involved.
  9. Well, first Steam specific thread I found, so arise. Steam Sale starts today That made me laugh.
  10. Poland's one uninspiring team.
  11. Renard's got the touch
  12. Iran was way worse than I expected. Matches have been so so, thus far.
  13. As stolen from the YT comment, I'll just summarize them for him and everyone else
  14. I wish they'd use more inappropriate music, I want to watch a Lancet hit a Buk to Mariah Carey, for example.
  15. I am surprised anyone stops to answer questions like that, well or any one, from some YouTuber. Channel is fairly one note now, complete with boring circle jerk comments. Interesting to see that about the drones, Russians used their Orlans heavily throughout the war though. And recently the Lancets have been active. Well or footage anyway - a podcast with Kofman was saying Ukraine did something similar with their Bayraktar footage, releasing it later than the actual strikes. Combat footage is great propaganda, and a good way to advertise your terrible taste in music
  16. Not really pedantic, is technically correct
  17. The Gas DLC comes with a painful price model.
  18. Are you new here? Not entirely sure it's a case that the one guy resisting means they can waste the rest, alas no one talking about this cites much of anything to conclude either way. The bodies all remaining prone in a line is interesting to note.
  19. Out of all the Scorcese films I like Goodfellas the best. Was interesting to note how many Sopranos actors were also in that.
  20. First glance I thought that was what you paid for the insurance
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