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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. But where's the fun in that.
  2. Good on Vavra Also, been a while since a Twitter laugh https://twitter.com/upsettingshorts/status/520427336844333057
  3. It is if you took a social science. But more seriously, it is silly to do - if they are implying the people are behaving in some groupthink sort of way, better to frame it as such
  4. Rumours that Unity is up for sale - http://www.cnet.com/news/unity-one-gaming-development-platform-to-unite-them-all-up-for-sale/
  5. There's a joke about abusing your girlfriend with all these hand injuries in here, somewhere.
  6. Low barrier for proof of being ISIS, anyway. Be brown (maybe), crazy, do stupid stuff and claim you're an ISIS jihadist.
  7. Dubious that this is the case, but chuckle worthy thinking of Finns I know
  8. Perhaps I'll consider it once you get crucified.
  9. Issue for me is having to start an application to start another one
  10. No, I don't venerate forum posters, but he was accurate then. *shrug*
  11. Oh I'll have to send that to Cheong, that'll get a rise out of him.
  12. Just an FYI. Your favourite son will betray you.
  13. Yes, very few countries in the world do anything for free but the USA doesn't have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars and send thousands of troops to West Africa in an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus They could also say " this is an African problem and we are closing our airports to anyone flying in from the affected countries. We will allow entry to the USA when Africa has resolved this crisis" So people in Africa could also learn to be grateful for the assistance from the USA instead of questioning the motives Again, states don't do things for free. Particularly powers like the US, they aim to get something out of this, either at home or abroad. Or simple a case of realizing it'll hit their borders and kill The Wrong People. Doesn't hurt to think about it even if pragmatism commands that you accept the help regardless of ulterior motives.
  14. Credit for 2L3374U for long ago pointing out how full of **** Bruce is.
  15. Sensible questions to ponder, states don't do anything for free.
  16. Get rid of the girlfriend. Then the cat. There is no problem that can't be fixed! Reminds me of a story at work, customer has an issue when a button is pressed - the developer's solution was to remove the button
  17. And the Tyranid Hive Mind too. Always did find it odd how range is under appreciated sometimes (but then again, having an awesome voice like Jay or Warner is also good)
  18. Get rid of the cat.
  19. Not like they'd kidnap and behead SJWs. Well. Probably. Still find the references to the hashtag being one way amusing, it's like a forum having one opinion and treated thusly.
  20. No, offensive words surely should only be offensive if they touch a nerve How can you be offended to be compared to ISIS? ISIS is a real, brutal and militant extremist group that is chopping off peoples heads and crucifying its enemies, and that's on a good day. How can a gamer ever possibly think that describes them, that's just ludicrous. Its not offensive because its so stupid Ok, so how is that disagreeing with what I wrote ? ISIS is a terror organization, and the people making this claim seriously see them as the same for the most part (SJWs are morons) - in that they are terrorizing (a couple of) women online. Although the comparison doesn't flow naturally, it can still be offensive. A shot fired doesn't have to hit to warrant a shot back.
  21. Eh, expected as much. Hope he didn't lead to more dying.
  22. So offensive words are cool as long as they are really outlandish ?
  23. Well, was a joke I read about them needing jargon of their own to make their, ahem, discipline seem more credible. F**king arts students, always knew they'd cause trouble!
  24. It will have a terrible marketing campaign.
  25. Putin...ok, really he could be the Big E based on what his personality seems like from the outside.
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