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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Beats me, I assume nothing or maybe can chuck them in to Wagner to die like all Nazis should. But is a common blight, Ukraine is no different and doesn't indicate the entire state are Nazis. Was funny to see that tool Massaro with an Azov flag, incidentally
  2. That's pretty funny to read in this thread. Also you then go on to highlight one Russian guy, heh. Suppose it's just how many Nazis you are ok with before it's a problem.
  3. Finished Chaos Gate Daemonhunters, all in all is not a bad game. Just feels like a chore, although that may be due to my squad - I got a Chaplain near the end of the campaign - and maybe not having ideal builds, based off posts I see online where everyone's breezing through with a squad of killers. The boss fights are fun at least, I still despise that nurgling boss fight. The fight with Mortarian is just too long
  4. Another snowstorm in, so guess that's my weekend plans - shoveling. More annoying will be the difficulty in getting around to do groceries and such, mostly due to idiots that think snow tires are a luxury or unnecessary combined with their GTA level driving skills.
  5. Finally hunted this down, saw in it an Iron Maiden fan video back in 2009 or something. Nice image.
  6. D4's specs for beta (and presumably release) Diablo 4 open beta minimum system requirements: Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon R9 280 Processor: Intel Core i5-2500L or AMD FX-8100 Memory: 8 GB RAM DirectX: Version 12 Storage: SSD with 45 GB available space Diablo 4 open beta recommended PC specs: Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 370 Processor: Intel Core i5-4670K or AMD R3-1300X Memory: 16 GB RAM DirectX: Version 12 Storage: SSD with 45 GB available space https://www.gamesradar.com/diablo-4s-open-beta-pc-specs-are-very-undemanding/
  7. Just Fontaine
  8. It was actually enjoyable, even if way out of place in ME3 story wise but I guess we are playing a video game. New D3 season is fun, added a skill tree full of neat things - like 10% elemental damage, double bounty caches, 60 yard pickup of rift globes.
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/soils-war-toxic-legacy-ukraines-breadbasket-2023-03-01/ Reuters worker real proud of the wordplay in that title. "At a former World War One battlefield near Verdun, France, some pre-war grain fields and pastures have gone unfarmed for more than a century due to craters and unexploded shells, a 2008 paper by Remi de Matos-Machado and Hupy said."
  10. Yep, my eyesight's so poor I can't make much out of it, but figured it'd be interesting for people here.
  11. If the US were in a situation where they needed men like Russia does, would be by income level rather than ethnicity. Probably would be a useful thing to include in the graphic, as well as the ethnic break downs of the part of the map. But Russia is evil, etc. etc.
  12. Hit a wall in Chaos Gate Daemonhunters, unfortunately means I have to grind through these torturous, tedious missions. Once again, not knowing what I'm doing has come to bite me in the ass. The boss fights were fun, I liked the fight where the boss regenerates, spawns adds the best. The idea that the way we win the crusade was from a daemon mentioning Drago was a good bit of humour.
  13. They had already sent humanitarian aid last year, I had thought. https://www.reuters.com/world/saudi-arabia-announces-400-mln-humanitarian-aid-ukraine-2022-10-14/ Well, amounts match, hm. They're getting better with their drones. Croatian parking lots can rest easy
  14. Sounds like the edgelord in Hatred.
  15. Well, all the death and misery is still made available for you to consume, albeit with crappy German metal or other inappropriate soundtracks for stuff like ATGM strikes or artillery.
  16. Tongue in cheek joke about standards, I guess. Reading Bakhmut is still contested, Ukrainians counterattacking. Although the sources are the guys who will say stuff like Democracy gives you special fighting powers, so.
  17. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/02/24/russia-ukraine-war-oral-history-00083757 Suggest using Reader mode, modern website design is truly terrible, but it was an interesting read, even with a lot of fluff. Although not sure that moron Truss really was worth talking to.
  18. Strange to have price controls on Russian oil as a peace condition. But I guess lots of other non starters there, anyway
  19. Surprised Picard's not been cancelled, all I ever see is how much it sucks
  20. And I thought the crappy metal/techno soundtrack to the propaganda was bad
  21. Found out Adam Dembski Bowden wrote Chaos Gate Daemonhunters. That explains the waifu Inquisitor
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