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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Thought he died or something when I got a BBC alert, was just some generic propaganda speech
  2. Apparently they sent a Tu-141 drone into Russia, instead of trying to hit a Croatian student residence
  3. Well wasn't intended as a dodge, just disagreed there was an implication. But, now for an actual dodge, I should have said here as in majestic's words rather then generally - certainly can be situations where the equality is implied. Derailing is good, beats the usual crap in the Ukraine threads.
  4. Well A and B overlapping doesn't mean A means B, is sort of grouping them together but I'm not in Austria so it may be the case there. But just is a bit much when I see either group complain that the other demonizes them and demands the other group come to them, is how people work I guess. I'm sure that assclown Melnyk is raging because they're not getting 2A7s for free, heh.
  5. Eh, most of the time these people are catching what they're throwing too. But I forget, in these instances the mountain has to come to Mohammed But majestic did just say there was overlap, not that anti-vaxx means pro-Russian
  6. Found the Dragon Book. Tried reading it and understood nothing, thus confirming I am dumber than I was in 2005.
  7. Sort of a ridiculous binary in the title, but that's Youtube I guess
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/world/europe/ukraine-russia-offensive.html More doomerism from the Times.
  9. I still also have these technical books I never did read. Should probably read them. Although I guess a C# 4.0 book isn't all that handy
  10. Been watching an old animated show called Delta State on Youtube, remember skimming past this on Teletoon. First fully rotoscoped TV show, apparently. Nothing amazing and they cut it off before resolving anything but was interesting enough. Watching it I can't stop thinking one could make a nice P&C adventure game with this, given the powers the 4 protagonists have.
  11. Well, I quoted the parts of your post. Well, there are two outcomes there. One can always infer that saying your country did something bad long ago reflects badly on you, but I think you'd be silly to do so.
  12. Pervez Musharraf
  13. Overestimated the clutter I had to remove, managed to find compilers notes from 2005 at least. Suppose I should also junk some textbooks, but just don't have the heart to throw out Sedra-Smith
  14. Covered by others heavily. Besides, makes the thread utterly uninteresting with it just one way. At this stage of the war, it's going to be repetitive - the invasion was wrong and civilians dying is bad - or just tedious - Russia is evil and the source of all darkness in the world. But at least we're not at retard level cheerleading like Massaro (skim his Twitter for a laugh).
  15. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/chinese-balloon-cause-civilian-injuries-deaths-rcna69052 There is a clear balloon gap here.
  16. https://sol.sapo.pt/artigo/791623/costa-bloqueia-tanques Translated for what that is worth https://sol-sapo-pt.translate.goog/artigo/791623/costa-bloqueia-tanques?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp ""It should be noted that most of the 37 vehicles in Portugal – parked in the military field of Santa Margarida – are not operational due to lack of spare parts. This is because, despite having been purchased second-hand in the Netherlands, they belong to the most advanced range of Leopard 2 (the A6 model), being technologically very complex. In addition, the Army does not have and never had a single live ammunition for armored personnel to fire, but only training ammunition" That's bad. Apparently though, they will send them - https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/02/4/7387923/
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