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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://counter-strike.net/cs2 Won't be the same without the porn sprays and racism over voice chat.
  2. Felt like it from the little bit I played. Alas, I can't be Inspector Tequila but with hand crossbows, but is mobile. Melee rogue didn't work well for me, had a heck of a lot of trouble with a boss (I think it was one).
  3. Wonder if it's an issue of ammunition rather than tanks, if the tanks are actually going to Ukraine anyway. Sure is a lot of old stuff deployed here, VIce had this hilarious puff piece https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxjqx4/ukraine-is-successfully-using-a-140-year-old-machine-gun-against-russia
  4. I will miss the DH from D3.
  5. Hey, Dragonflight went pretty smooth. As most people quit WoW
  6. https://www.eurogamer.net/beta-has-become-a-twisted-word-blizzard-responds-to-diablo-4-early-access-feedback Amusing bitching from this, granted on subreddits populated by subhumans.
  7. https://thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-politics/us-speeds-up-abrams-tank-delivery-to-ukraine-war-zone/ The M1A1s they have in storage make sense to give. About the same age of design as the 2A4s, no ?
  8. Pretty much, the hope is that he'll end up there once there is regime change (at least that's Canada goal here) and presumably the new guy in charge wants to make nice with the West. Do wonder what things will be like with Russia going forward, as Massicot (I think) had wrote, Russia's too big and important to try to treat like the DPRK. US trying to get Abrams to Ukraine sooner : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-21/us-will-speed-up-the-delivery-of-abrams-tanks-to-ukraine?srnd=politics-vp "Less complex German tanks" seems a bit backhanded, heh
  9. Has he ever been confirmed to use body doubles ? Reminds me of the tea leaf reading on his health, or Shoigu's death and such, heh.
  10. User runs massive process of 4000 tasks, DB struggles through it. User then says one task failed, but I see it succeeded and tell him as such. User then says "I have re-run all the tasks". Good thing it was the end of my shift.
  11. Sort of the level of Ja Rule chiming in, but hearing from Bolton on this was too amusing to not share.
  12. Wait for the Reaper of Souls expansion to fix everything.
  13. And he didn't greet Xi today, obviously fearing assassination (or something).
  14. Is his widow L Dobson ?
  15. Probably the journalist being overly dramatic, but the Russians have made relatively rapid gains there recently.
  16. Well, I didn't interact with anyone bar rezzing a dead guy, I didn't find it too bothersome but it was the early access beta and when I played it was hard to get in so maybe was just a reduced population. Had trouble with one boss, but was just me not dodging attacks and probably not apply vulnerabilities. Only got to lvl 14 with my rogue before the window shut, so not the greatest picture. Seems fun enough, the world building is nice, the writing is acceptable for Diablo. There's another beta period soon, will make an effort to try the dungeons out.
  17. Whoops, wrong Tweet
  18. Another glorious weekend of cleaning. At least the front end for my grocery DB is coming together, should use WPF instead of Forms though, maybe that'll be the next project
  19. None that I could see, was wondering why some random elite was yelling at me, was an event I walked past and didn't see.
  20. Early days in D4, memory usage is kind of nuts and I do get stuttering, but 8 year old machine so. Is pretty much what I'd want from a Diablo game so far, kill things en masse. Only had one crash/disco in about 2 hours so maybe luckier than most
  21. That's nothing to do with what I wrote though, but carry on.
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