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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It gets non-mundane against Thaos
  2. Like the music video for that Still don't know what the point of that tank firing line was though
  3. http://www.pcgamer.com/the-witcher-3-will-include-a-hearthstone-style-game-within-a-game-called-gwent/
  4. True, though that title is still mainly an Orthodox thing. As much as the title matters, in any case.
  5. The vampire's line did make me laugh, I will admit.
  6. Wow, that video was....something.
  7. Depends on your benevolent score.
  8. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    I don't actually, that was a needless reference to 40k's Terminus Decree. Oby is just some dude, I doubt he is an alt. I am curious as to how he ended up here though.
  9. Man, I did not see that twist coming when you find out you are the good half of Thaos' soul.
  10. Not sure it's the crowd in here, so far one guy has posted it and generally people seem disapproving.
  11. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    No, I already know who he is. I've left the answer in a box to opened in the forum's hour of greatest need when all seems lost.
  12. I too shall wring my hands. Report the post perhaps. Weird cartoon in any case, oh well.
  13. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Oby must be killing himself laughing
  14. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Don't think he's even doing it aimed at the moderators.
  15. What, you can't read ? The amount of voice over present in the game is sufficient, important NPCs get it. Mind you, it cuts off for some, but that's an implementation problem not a design one.
  16. Yep, made the Ruskie chick and the Arab pirate dude a piece of cake. Maybe they should just give XP for objectives ?
  17. http://www.gog.com/game/afterlife Afterlife now up, rather funny SimCity clone
  18. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Probably as they kind of leave the places worse off even if they do lose or withdraw.
  19. Surprising to read some people unhappy with Jensen being the protagonist. He wasn't amazing but nothing wrong with carrying forward with him.
  20. That's even worse to, at least sleeping in it is honest. I've no interest in camping myself, but I understand the idea of it to rough it a bit with nature and so on.
  21. LBGTensian heresies.
  22. Doesn't seem much like camping when you use an RV
  23. Can't have enough of that. But it is a trailer so they have to show the sexy, flashy bits. Corny monologue too, "their darkness must end"
  24. They would if the video wasn't on Youtube
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