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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Some tidbits from the Gameinformer issue for easy reference: -Takes place in 2029, 2 years after Human Revolution -Listed as single-player, no mention of multiplayer -Jensen is part of a covert, goverment-sponsored task force called Task Force 29, a new branch of Interpol, to combat a new breed of terrorism -Jensen doesn't full trust Task Force 29, also feeds intel to another covert organization called the Juggernaut Collective -In true Deus Ex fashion, you often receive conflicting missions, neither can be fully trusted -Boss encounters are designed in a way to allow players to approach any way they want (stealth, full combat, etc) -Eidos won't comment on which ending it considers canon but is trying to string together different parts of each ending for the overall background of Mankind Divided -Story is in many ways a story of redemption for Jensen -The story they're telling is building to events that take place in the original Deus Ex -With Mankind Divided, they're exploring the original game's past; "Is the depiction of past events from the original Deus Ex true? Will we discover stuff we never knew?" -One of Jensen's missions takes him to Utulek Station in Prague, now a ghetto for augmented individuals -Shops line the streets, temporary housing units stacked on one another reaching upwards toward the sky; claustrophobic atmosphere -Mission to track down a leader of an aug group, but police have captured the informant -Can choose to butter up the informant's wife for clues or cause a scene with the police -Alternatively Jensen can bypass this area of the game altogether and find the leader's hideout on his own -Mentions Jensen engaging in tense conversation with the leader, resulting in a diplomatic solution or violence -"You can go full combat or full stealth throughout any part of the game" -Side quests meant to be more meaningful; ex. players can choose to make deals with criminal organizations and its mob boss might call in a favor later interrupting main missions -Features twice as many augmentations as Human Revolution -Aug examples: Tesla: little darts pop out of Jensen's knuckles allowing him to tag enemies and take them out quietly Silent Run: Allows Jensen to move quickly across any floor without making a sound (can combine with cloaking) C.A.S.I.E.: Allows Jensen to analyze the mental state of individuals, helping him to respond adequately in conversations PEPS Gun: Non-lethal weapon that pops out of Jensen's bionic arm and fires a concussive blast allowing him to knock an enemy out, kill him or flee -Augmentation features can be assigned on the d-pad for quick selection -Augmentations consumed a fixed amount of energy, when Jensen stops using them he regains a portion of it -Can still refill his augs completely with bio cells, Eidos wants the recharge mechanic to encourage using augs more liberally -New remote hack augmentation allows Jensen to activate shortcuts through areas to pass enemies -No plan for Human Revolution saves to carry over, but Eidos is planning for a franchise now, want to expand further after HR's success -Eidos noted fans who played stealthily enjoyed the game more so spent several years iterating on gunplay -Jensen can adjust his weapons at any point mid-battle, changing ammo type, firing pattern, scopes, etc -Some enemies have external tech like exoskeletons and mechs to combat Jensen -Variety of enemies have a diversity of weapons, augments, or other high-tech combat tools, some have high-jump abilities, etc -Focused on making A.I. more aggressive, flanking, etc http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/94126/new-deus-ex-game http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/04/07/may-cover-revealed-deus-ex-mankind-divided-568435.aspx?utm_content=buffer4c288&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  2. Classy Chu, as always.
  3. Finally beat Thaos with my craptastic party honestly, worked like a WoW fight, go go Off tanks and Durancce. Had to make 2 other hirelings for DPS, rather liked the rogue.
  4. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    We are all Oby.
  5. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    So knowing what you we know now you would be fine with another Rwanda, in other words you would support non-intervention in Rwanda and be fine with the genocide of 1 million people or so? The Libyan uprising is like a genocidal campaign?
  6. So another DX game is soon ? https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zGYGCbR61ZAJ:kanobu.ru/news/square-enix-anonsirovala-deus-ex-mankind-divided-376018/+&cd=1&hl=ru&ct=clnk&gl=ru
  7. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    What does the West care if some rebels win or lose ? Leave them to their fate, the US and France and Britain and Canada (yes, the mighty Chihuahua..) have better things to spend money on and risk their people's lives for. Not too sure on how the Libyan army fights, but I doubt they would take the Roman approach and butcher everyone in the city if they could take it, so doubtful this would be Rwanda 2.0 (that and people dying as collateral damage in urban warfare is quite different from that insanity).
  8. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Yes, consideration based on one side's interests, sorry, human rights. Libya is fine ? A bunch of rebels get up and have the USAF and others act as their lackeys for what end ? The West doesn't seem to look down the road well at the results from their bombings (then again, assuming they want stable peaceful democratic nations) based on that and other misadventures. Am not too sure they get to wash their hands out of what comes out of a situation they helped create, after all.
  9. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Nah, Greece is demanding 279 billion from Germany, don't think they need Russian money
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJQAvhEu7MA Awful name, still.
  11. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Yes because there is such a thing as the The Clinton Doctrine of Humanitarian Interventions which justifies USA intervention to prevent things like genocide even if the UNSC doesn't agree to it..which is not uncommon when you consider veto power of the permanent members http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Doctrine Oh phew, thank goodness there's a doctrine written by the US, better than some biased justification. US would be a better argument than NATO, though, think they acted outside the UN in Kosovo and stretched the resolution when they had the Libyan adventure (that paid off well). US on the other hand, you can bring in a whole host of "interventions".
  12. http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/34568-Hearts-of-Stone-amp-Blood-and-Wine-two-massive-expansions-for-The-Witcher-3-Wild-Hunt?p=1591165#post1591165 Two Expansions announced. Hopefully that link works....
  13. Was a pretty good review. Rather pleased at the amount of you people that are upset over it.
  14. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Heh, I like the "justified" bit you threw in there along side UNSC approval.
  15. http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-32202466 Gfted1 is on to something.
  16. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Needs more golden fire.
  17. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    World's full of global threats these days. Heard someone claim Iran was an existential threat to the world. Got a good laugh out of that one.
  18. Not sure what he means by facts not constituting truth, though, I had assumed he meant to say truth needs more than just facts but then I am not sure what else is needed. The Guardian interview that quote seems to be from is thin, too, meh. But hey, at least McIntosh didn't make it all up
  19. http://imgur.com/gallery/XKr67 Crows come from Boston, who knew
  20. We should have a Kickstarter to bring back traditional sized hot-fixes! Or QA.
  21. Whee, did a bad thing and let the dragon possess some lady as I just could not be bothered to go back into those tunnels. Crap I have to for Kana's quest. Damn it. I think I am done with the game for a while after I drag this POS party through to beat Thaos honestly, maybe will play Sea Dogs.
  22. People whining about the types of people winning awards always seems a bit off to me as it makes no sense to just choose some for diversity's sake. And attempting to fix the problem at sourcing is again rather dubious and will take a long time anyway (I suppose one could start forcing minority groups to write or what have you). Ahh to be in the first world
  23. Slogging through Endless Paths, not sure why really but I suppose it is there to do and I'd like the ending where my stronghold turns into a great place to be. Shame the stronghold doesn't have people milling about and so on to show the place's revitalization and maybe growing into a little town.
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