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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Even in some pubs here the sausages or meat does come out a bit mangled, but I guess these are chain pubs for the most part. No sausage places around here, shazbot. I will buy some on the way home, local grocery has these awesome honey garlic ones.
  2. You mean they look like that in marketing, the stuff you get when you order is probably all misshapen and mangled
  3. I dunno, I call people IT all the time. They're the morons who broke our disk mounts.
  4. They/Them works best. Maybe "Xe" is the cool option these days. I am with you on hating livers, Gfted1, don't care how much iron it offers me that stuff is vile.
  5. That as well, I suppose, the video gives very little wriggle room as loosing eight shots at a guy who's running away unarmed is pretty damn hard to justify. The cop will get off with a light sentence, I am guessing, though.
  6. Yeah, an opening post full of condemnation and anger over, uh, something, is really making much of a point. Time to go get some bratwurst, though.
  7. NFS at work is dead so am free to spam here
  8. Well, you are trolling, what did you expect?
  9. You're not supposed to eat the casing in weissewurst, or so it seems from some searching online. Any Bavarians around ?
  10. What is crazy about Weisswurst ?
  11. See, told you the third time was the charm.
  12. GTA V options. Facebook integration, go figure. Hm, potential for some rather confusing status updates
  13. Sure, but the argument is more on how offensive that really is. Or do you expect people to just change things just because someone from some group claims it's bad ? Like it or not, most people push back when being told what to do and "I am offended" is not really an impressive reason. Really, I am not seeing the poem as pushing hate at all, but if they want to nix it, it is their property. Hm, wonder if people would want 'Lola' banned from the radios
  14. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    He didn't write that the West caused it, granted sitting on their hands was not much help and if France aided the people that carried out well that's also a charge on them. Do you seriously believe this West is Best stuff ?
  15. Maybe they'll just say no signal actually made it out due to some other group so really nothing changed.
  16. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    I guess he needed to point out the obvious for some reason, to you ?
  17. What problem is this weirdo railing against, exactly ? I mean that I get the premise, it does make sense that you can't really speak for others beyond a point - but was this a problem here ?
  18. Third time'll the charm for you, keep at it.
  19. The forum is richer for those, man. That and I lost my Alpha Protocol CD.
  20. Nah, just someone triggered by a micro-agression. Where's your empathy ? Be more like Bruce.
  21. Think I'll do my next run as a rogue, see how that goes. The Barbarian was not as impressive as I had hoped, but perhaps I had crap gear (Blade of the Endless Paths was very underwhelming )
  22. I can't understand how someone can flinch at having to read a lot. Anyway, for the OP and Sagani - how should she sound ? We don't know what a Dwarf from the north should sound like for it be sensible.
  23. More like the BSN each day.
  24. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/08/us/south-carolina-officer-is-charged-with-murder-in-black-mans-death.html Thank goodness for the video.
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