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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. The BART cop, that's the moron that pulled his gun and shot a guy thinking it was his taser ? Two years seems kind of light.
  2. Needs to be an ARPG with that as the PC.
  3. Cop pay is not that bad, median of 55k or so. Here there are some that pull in 100k, heh. This hardman was a detective, so he's earning a good penny, not enough to not power trip.
  4. Who are we supposed to be a hate group against again? Women I guess. Talk about awful moderation though.
  5. Assuming they don't suddenly have faults in the equipment when it might work against the cops, at least.
  6. Will be a lot of romance. And a rather catchy soundtrack
  7. Yep, dachshunds with pepper spray cannons on their back. Deployed into action from airborne drone carriers.
  8. Go figure the moderators here advocating some sort of dystopic police state.
  9. Of course, but I rarely get to use that quote. I do try to finish something I start, even if it is rather boring or awful (though in the latter, the anger at its awfulness fuels the continuation). Anyway, finished off the Kian part of DFC Book 2, I think. Hopefully I can kill Enu.
  10. The acceptance of defeat is an invitation for its repetition.
  11. Knew extra QA should have been a stretch goal. I guess the backer beta testers did a poor job as well.
  12. Cities Skylines patch notes
  13. Even so, was glad to see a small developer get a decent hit, I think they are 20-30 people or something.
  14. Which game is that?
  15. Seems kind of irrelevant to us as customers, though.
  16. Came across this photo of an F-4, was pretty cool
  17. Where did I say it was complicated ? That was the point of my post, if you read it. This is a solution to a problem I am not convinced exists.
  18. That's what the office printer is for, my good man. I am still more comfortable with a regular book than reading things on a screen, myself. Wish I had pre-ordered the Witcher 3 CE, thinking about physical v, digital, certainly would save me some download cap, hah.
  19. Got my fancy PoE strategy guide, so I can now be lame and faceroll the game.
  20. Well, if you are a homosexual and want to be married in a Catholic church or something, they should be free to just tell you no. Not sure how you being gay comes up when buying, say, coffee or tools, though. Ah well, it'll get reverted with all this outrage.
  21. Hm, this would be self-correcting, businesses that reject people by some standard might deny themselves revenue and probably wither. Is this a problem in Indiana ? If a customer is a deviant in your eyes, so what, take their money but don't be nice to them.
  22. Well, glad they delivered on that promise. Getting hit over the head with THE REBELS WILL REMEMBER THIS was a hint.
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