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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Heh, yeah, sarcasm goes well in tweets. I assume he's being dogpiled by the Just, right now ?
  2. Don't think there's much context to that, really, one can only guess as to what that meant. Maybe trying to get a job with the Turkish government ?
  3. Well it is, forums are for collective bashing or praise after all. Not really sensible to wade in to something that annoys you, then whine about it but refrain from taking measures to resolve it. But, again, the conclusion that's left is probably accurate. As for Gamergate doing anything, nahh, all it's done is raise the profile and Patreon donations of Sarkeesian, Wu, Quinn, etc. And I guess given Twitter hounds who want to show how socially aware they are (like Cheong) some meat to get some credibility. But hey at least no one died, people were seriously speaking of ruined lives with this silliness.
  4. Shame we have to bother with the Social Club stuff at all, but I suppose they need some DRM on it.
  5. Well no one's said you are violating rules, just seems to not be that sensible.
  6. I took 51 hours at a leisurely pace, though I must say the last 7 were just knocking stuff of a list. Didn't clear out two zones though, whoops. I can see if you read everything adding a lot to the time though, I only read the books that caught my eye on the titles (actually, kept marking some read later but never got around to it, hah). Playing more D3 while I work on other stuff and decide on what to play next, have to also figure out how to download Witcher 3 with my bandwidth cap.
  7. Well, you keep commenting on the thread being bad, so do something about it and report it and move on. I reported the horse rape comic, was rather surprised that Bruce said he doesn't like to report things (weird as that fixes the problem). Barring that, then the only goal of repeatedly doing it is to satisfy yourself with lecturing on topics.
  8. What's he criticizing other than it not meshing with what he determines the thread's purpose to be. But another blue oby, oh well.
  9. It's funny when they spawn inside your squad's deployment circle
  10. That sounds tricky, I spammed that thing with Quick style to avoid getting hit.
  11. Indeed, they may decide to hang themselves over it.
  12. Ah, Liverpool never fails to deliver.
  13. The hell are you doing that is taking so long ?
  14. The moderators don't seem all that bothered by this, so why don't you deal with it ? It's like Walsingham constantly crapping his pants over things oby does, heh. Then again, you waltzing in threads you disapprove of to wag your finger does kind of labour the second half of your statement, heh. Hm, I dunno, I think the whole kerfuffle about Gamergate before it a got a name was still on the whole "there is no ethics in game journalism", mainly on Quinn and so on. Granted, speaking in terms of the label on the can, heh. Who are they supposed to be hating, anyway ?
  15. Oh great, another wannabe forum mod, policing discussion on a thread. Not really sure what you want of posts here, though, not really much more to add that you'd deem acceptable - I guess posts on why Russia is evil, or something ?
  16. You did say crafting was tedious, unless an uninspired chore can be fun. In any case the game will be a lot like Witcher 2, just hoping the UI is nicer to use and the story is pleasing.
  17. Laws everywhere are meant to be abused. We have an anti terror one that one can use to move on groups the government deems a threat. Like environmentalists, etc. Oh well, usual narrative
  18. Yeah, the Xwing was perfect as it was. Much like the weird white plastic winged TIE fighters, but is cool and new or something
  19. I guess I've just seen Gosling in crappy movies. Hm, he was the weird guy in Remember the Titans, wasn't he ? Not even sure what a BR sequel would be about, or what themes it could explore. But oh well.
  20. Smart move in any case, pain in the rear to defend that.
  21. Think he meant Ryan Gosling.
  22. 25 GB download. That'll hurt my cap, need to find a friend at University who can download it for me
  23. I anticipate finding out how much it sucks.
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