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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Don't have real warfare gear though. No MBTs, artillery or even grenade launchers for their rifles. A Bradley in NYPD livery would be kind of cool
  2. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36809083 http://mobile.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSKCN0ZV2HK Turkish military saying they've taken over.
  3. Well somewhat relevant http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/07/15/485900076/how-a-danish-town-helped-young-muslims-turn-away-from-isis It is NPR, but was somewhat interesting. Not sure the Danish approach can be exported.
  4. Newt has the right idea. Test Muslims if they like Sharia or not. Maybe have special detectives called Koran Runners to weed them out.
  5. Hmmm...
  6. Certainly is a neat thing. Shame some people won't be smart about it and wander into bad places or let their kids do so. I just hunt normal people.
  7. Good thing civil servants run everything
  8. Sorry to hear that, Shady. Enioy the time with him.
  9. Sounds like the usual slacking that goes on. Not sure how popular it is here in Toronto. Haven't seen people wandering around any more than usual
  10. Ugh, ****ing Portuguese.
  11. WoW Legion beta. Did some of the artifact quests, liked the Paladin one where we become Highlord. The frost DK one is kind of funny as the Lich King commands you to reforge Frostmourne into 2 blades - no one sees a problem with this.
  12. Hate is more useful for motivation I find, than love.
  13. Just Cause. GTA doesn't have that much terrain and structure damage. Well, yet.
  14. Bomb disposal robots usually have a charge no?
  15. Being impressive and reading The Beast Arises series. Black Library series with a fixed length is always welcome (Horus Heresy will hit 100). Also have exciting .Net books to read.
  16. Expected Germany to lose today but still kind of sucks. Though more so in seein other fans' reaction. As always the worst thing in life is other people.
  17. Your women log on MMOs looking for military husbands to get citizenship and military benefits off of. Why would you want to go from Sweden to the US. They already have more benifits of every conceivable kind than practically everywhere else. They really hate the climate?
  18. Hope he's alright. One of ours is ill again, had to get some cells taken from a lymph node. Too hot to walk them very far as well lately, so that sucks.
  19. Roy Hodgson
  20. Had to work on Canada Day, so was just me by myself for 10 hours today. Wasn't too bad, though I didn't achieve much of anything so I feel pretty lousy
  21. So wonder if all this racial abuse is the same as always or is there an actual spike as meshbacks feel emboldened now?
  22. Battlefleet Gothic on sale, not very deep but what the hey.
  23. Not really. Eternal reward is probably less of a motivator than sheer fanaticism for a cause.
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