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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Bad attack in Turkey. :/
  2. Yeah. We may get days like that. But humid heat not dry. So you stew in sweat. Real fun on surface transit with no AC
  3. Amused that I have invisibility as a lady walked into me while having her head up. High point of the day, it's been that dull though. Cooled down a bit to a lovely 23 C as well.
  4. Scots and Welsh are ok.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/jun/28/tetris-films-trilogy?CMP=fb_gu Tetris Trilogy
  6. Nah. It is somewhat amusing to do. Or to visualize them being tortured in a heinous manner. But he has always come across as a complete ****. Don't worry Meshugger, still have room for you on the list.
  7. Subnautica is good fun for an early access game albeit 2 years into that phase. Good game to relax with,scary sea monsters aside.
  8. Juncker asking him why he is there was good. Shame Farage survived that helicopter crash.
  9. Well, not necessarily pointless to have a plan when you can't implement it yourself. Consultancy is a thing, after all. But also said plan can be used and does give the image of being prepared and serious about the changes.
  10. Iceland bounced England out of the Euro Cup. Many Brexit jokes about.
  11. Hm. Would be interesting if the MPs' surgeries affected this.
  12. Never really played with mods. But will have to see what that Bugmod is about.
  13. I can understand skepticism towards them. As it seems that nobody has plan what to do now, not even people organized referendum in first place or people that campaigned for this result. Kind of funny at this point.
  14. Maybe the idea of UK MPs trying to do work, scares him? Though they can't be THAT bad.
  15. The jabs at Farage and Johnson were pretty good and the silliness of the Independence Day claims.
  16. Got Subnautica and Civ 4 for cheap. Havr Civ 4 on discs, but might as well get a backup. Pretty meh sale so far. They should copy GOG and do an Insomnia sale once. That'd be funny to see.
  17. Played some Subnautica, seems ok, even if I am terrible at such games
  18. Condolences.
  19. Still pushing on in Overwatch, not running into many scumbags of late, worst has been people with nicks like 'Getoffmeho' or white kids trying to be gangsta on the voice chat. Zarya is becoming my favourite, after Pharah, is nice to shield people and I don't play as a tank traditionally, spend most of the time charging down snipers or support (this is by design, but I pretend this is my realization/innovation to make myself feel smarter).
  20. Are these students, SAHM/Hs or the poor really messing up democracy for you ?
  21. Still amused at this united Europe talk by the German of all people. Not only of it being overdramatic by a small power but just from history's view Shame the next time I visit the lady in the bradwurst shop she will be a scummy German still. Ah, haven't seen any comments by Merkel of late. But it is a bit of a laugh watching posts by people claiming Britain is now free. First world oppression, I suppose.
  22. Saw Warcraft. Was alright, definite pacing issues. But not the worst film I've seen. 3D was not worth the hassle of those glasses though
  23. Still amused at this independence talk by the English of all people. Not only of it being overdramatic by a small power but just from history's view Shame the next time I visit the lady in the sandwich shop will be a scummy chav rather than a cute Pole.
  24. Well that filled the BS quota for today
  25. Well as long as you're not a refugee. Or brown.
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