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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Tried beating that RT3 mission without cheesing it, failed. So if anyone asks, I'll just lie. Going through the latest WoW raid in LFR, sure is boring to heal, I guess we have competent people slumming in LFR for some reason.
  2. Yah carries still exist, I disagreed with adding arena way back, but still not making WoW a pay to win, I feel. Depends a lot on degree. Tribes Ascend was one I played that definitely was. And WoW has put in things to drag out the experience that you can't skip anyway, time gating to pump up engagement KPIs But people pay for these MTX and games are for money, so I really can't be worked up over it.
  3. Before, I believe
  4. Oh good act man, I am sure he will soil himself ranting about how it was all due to woke. Don't really have a problem with the boosting, seems incredibly wasteful of the cash especially with how easy things are. Even in a PvP setting, would be surprised if someone getting boosted heavily would do that well, skill is still somewhat an issue (addons do the rest!).
  5. Not sure that's winning, though, at that ilvl you can queue up for LFR for the current raid, no idea if you can be useful in Normal or higher levels of the raids. For comparison, I have 438 and I barely grind for gear. WoW's always been an endgame focused game - of late people have found problems with that - but definitely is a market for people who left (funnily enough they may have quit at a higher level than max) and just want to catch up. Not money well spent mind you, is very easy these days.
  6. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-expected-be-session-monday-border-aid-talks-continue-senators-2023-12-14/ Seems House is still not on board. Not sure it matters all that much, even with all these fear mongering articles that Ukraine will be crushed with the delay. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/12/13/russia-ukraine-war-west-funding-00131638
  7. Don't really see WoW as pay to win even now, you can buy cosmetics which isn't really winning especially with the transmog system.
  8. RT3 defeated. Sort of a crooked way I won the last mission with gold though, just waited until last possible minute and pumped my networth by buying my company's shares on margin in a huge amount, just got me over.
  9. Well, if they're having fun, guess it's nothing too bad.
  10. Have some outrage at Canada's vote here, apparently they abandoned Israel in her our of need or some dramatic bull****.
  11. At least there will be an end to all the scare mongering about T90s in Berlin in 5 years or something.
  12. His greatest role. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/notes-from-the-tribes-3-rivals-playtest-its-fun-but-is-it-tribes Well, at least there's a 12v12 mode.
  13. Still with RT3. Got a good economy seed in the Japan scenario, beat it handily. One last scenario to beat then I guess I can start playing another game, the last scenario is one of the annoying ones where you need net worth. I always forget to do stock buybacks (well that and I guess I suck at earning money to do so).
  14. Doubt it will, even with all the doom and gloom lately - e.g. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67667035 Biden will either cave or just compromise and get Ukraine their money.
  15. At least the UNSC session is starting off funnily, Russian Federation representative just mocking Blinken and being very upset about destruction and devastation. Vetoed as expected. Sort of funny to see the US rep as the only one with his hand up
  16. Still failing against the Japan scenario in RT3 due to the demand at the destination being very weird - the price is lower than places with an abundance.
  17. Could always take it and attack St Petersburg. The C-17 one is pretty much a non starter, production ended a decade ago and I doubt people are going to part with any, I believe. More theater I guess.
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