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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/fps/escape-from-tarkov-players-rage-as-developers-lock-co-op-pve-behind-a-new-dollar250-edition-despite-promising-access-to-all-subsequent-dlcs-in-its-old-dollar150-edition/ Clever play on what DLC is, heh.
  2. How do you know this is representative of the people protesting, exactly? In things that actually matter, the IDF going to invade Rafah soon ? Feel sorry for all the civilians Hamas will kill after weaponizing the IDF
  3. Finally finished Chapterhouse, the cliffhanger ending is more annoying than I recall.
  4. Grinding my way through D3, realize I've spent 1000 hours playing DH over the past decade. Worth the wrist damage.
  5. Not really, Trump is a parody of a human being enough. Cohen I've never really found all that funny, but I've never watched enough of his stuff to judge I suppose. But that piece you linked is too much of a strawman. But I suppose is better than labelling them jihadis as was done by our Sun (so basically the same thing as a satire paper I guess..). Right wingers have some reflex hatred for protests sort of funny, given how many jerk it to the Gadsen flag essentially.
  6. ""I think many Poles are outraged when they see young Ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and they hear how much effort we have to make to help Ukraine," he said, without giving any details on how Poland will help." Those Poles should sack up and join the Legion. Lithuania planning to join in as well. https://kyivindependent.com/lithuania-to-assist-ukraine-in-returning-military-aged-men/ Ukrainian men should have left these countries last week.
  7. Maybe bias, these satire places aren't subtle generally I find. Kind of get carried away with their axe grinding.
  8. Still no Taurus, apparently. I am sure clowns like Melnyk will spew bile over it. They used ATACMS already, sort of a open secret if they were trying to, with strikes in Crimea. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-quietly-shipped-long-range-atacms-missiles-ukraine-2024-04-24/ "Russia's use of North Korean-supplied long-range ballistic missiles against Ukraine in December and January, despite U.S. public and private warnings not to do so, led to a change in heart, the U.S. official said. Also a factor in U.S. decision-making was Russia's targeting of Ukraine's critical infrastructure, the official said. "We warned Russia about those things," the official said. "They renewed their targeting."
  9. Guess they'll finally drop the bridge. The articles amazed that US weapons do indeed work will be a good read.
  10. They're wishing death to America? Thought all the fainting was over them wishing it to Israel.
  11. Almost done Caesar 4. Avoiding military missions for now, the entire experience is clunky and annoying. Still need to find a good way to align villas, maybe I should do a block but the villas surrounded by roads rather than on the outside, given the huge size of the entertainment buildings. Still have this odd issue where all equites just up and leave my city although everything is fine - they're paid well, have jobs, have supplies and everything.
  12. I, too, had random back pain yesterday. Clearly we are being targeted by the Russians.
  13. Sure, if you ignore the past couple of months.
  14. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/18/ukraine-frontline-collapsing-putin-iran-israel-europe/ Domino theory of our time, I am feeling. For amusement read Hamish's comments last year too Ukraine also claims they downed a Tu-22, first bomber downed of the war. https://twitter.com/Archer83Able/status/1781226428031234208
  15. https://twitter.com/MattSeyler/status/1781132976123678791 Israel's response underway apparently.
  16. Caesar 4 getting to be a slog, stupid me taking military missions. Trying to align buildings in this game is bothersome with the 3D implementation.
  17. Once that's done, watch all the doom and gloom articles evaporate. 3 months later than I expected though, but was coming.
  18. Woke up early, Satan sent me Stealth Fighter on TV for my sins. Ice T as a fighter pilot, enough said.
  19. Surprised CIG isn't adding this as a stretch goal.
  20. Seems like it. Was trying to find a command for grep, missed findstr. I prefer the comfort of bash and manpages.
  21. Building a PC these days seems more of a headache than 5-6 years ago, at least being concerned with QA issues.
  22. Being unnecessarily annoyed at Powershell and its needlessly descriptive names for commands.
  23. Not wholly convinced, but Russia's got to be low on equipment now. But that just means they'll dig in and things go nowhere, maybe? And for a bit of a laugh
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