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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Just a joke on our...uh... "rivers" in Toronto being polluted. I don't think they are truly bad these days, I know they routinely get polluted with salt runoff from our stormwater in winter. I put rivers in quotes because, come on Is that really a river ?
  2. In Russian it sort of rhymes.
  3. That's the funny part - they'd likely be Orthodox.
  4. Probably is just short term memory loss.
  5. Ah, wow, the bold makes it way less visible, the strike is still regular face. Just link it next time.
  6. Grooming calls ? The hell kind of business are you in ?
  7. Coworkers all meeting up for drinks as today is "WASPs go get loaded day", so my afternoon meetings are gone - so can get some work done.
  8. Quoting someone on the Codex, really. There's no strikethrough, I assume that didn't copy and paste.
  9. Hah, heck of a time for Belarus to carry out military exercises -
  10. Never did hear anything about Putin's opinion on Ukraine being part of the EU, hm. In any case -
  11. Aren't most of the commanders getting droned ?
  12. Well I get called boomer a lot. Punk ass millenial trash, everywhere. Supposedly killed. I doubt it, myself.
  13. Only source I saw for that was some sketchy Twitter account. If he is dead, pretty sure I'll hear about it from the press here though.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/foreign-fighters-ukraine-await-weapons-113805670.html "“This is my first war,” Skye said. He came to Ukraine “to help protect,” not “do logistics,” he said, motivated by images of innocent civilians being targeted." Yeah, good one, man.
  15. Yah that's right. Forgot the other paths, although the scene with Panam is constant regardless of romancing her or not (at least when I last finished it pre-1.5).
  16. Some day I will ask a candidate that in an interview.
  17. @ComradeYellowYou’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
  18. Canada is going to be unfriended soon.
  19. I guess he believes the reason for the invasion. I miss oby. At least he'd be giving us some Russian war porn.
  20. The last scene is always the same, you with Panam, if that's what you meant. Monowire is more fun now past 1.5, seems damage buff and now considered a blade. My assault rifle character might just switch to that, hah.
  21. I don't think Katphood's point was that the West played Ukraine into the war as planned but more by accident, but that is my interpretation of his point. But some positives for the West here, damage Russia, NATO is motivated and spending more on defense (stimulus for LM! :P)
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