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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, a little can be a lot when you start from zero.
  2. https://www.npr.org/2022/02/02/1077056059/new-mexico-national-guard-substitute-teachers Should just have sent some DIs.
  3. Still backing up stuff on a new 5tb external drive I got. I think I might need another one.
  4. Ooof, civil war did not go well, they took all the food producing provinces Think I had a turning point, Senate loyalists sent 4 legions into Italy, met them with 5 of mine in a series of grinding battles but smashed them overall so can counterattack. Sadly the damn Gauls retook everything I earned in the last campaign, bah.
  5. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/sony-buys-bungie-for-3-6-billion/1100-6500122/ Sony buying Bungie.
  6. Rome 2 TW. AI is truly genius, was outnumbered 2000 to 3000. I lost but left them with 800 men as they decided to run their infantry the length of the map to ram themselves against my line. Almost conquered France, Spain is next then I move east. Probably should take a break and kill off the other parties though.
  7. I doubt bogans can afford to leave Australia.
  8. Defusing this current situation, which is a positive. Even though it's one for a non-NATO member but when do powers care about whose business they're butting into, heh. Not as if Ukraine is really going to add much to NATO security other than a headache.
  9. Well if you want to label anything conciliatory as "appeasement", I guess it's a non starter, unless NATO is the master or something. Seems a decent enough trade to not push NATO right up against Russia for Russia to ramp down and keep things as normal.
  10. It's fun when they can't help but drop F and C bombs on work calls too
  11. Great, furry metal.
  12. Sword is still the best Canadian metal band, but these are not bad
  13. As the saying goes, if you can't explain it to a 5 year old, you don't really know it. I find that is generally true though, I do enjoy explaining things to clients, in the past 11 years of doing it I can say most are not idiots. Also I appreciate that after working for a while, sometimes they just don't care that much about the job anyway due to burnout or just Initech sucking their soul out.
  14. Pretty funny the Ukrainians are trying to tamp down rhetoric. Well the government at least, on social media it's all holy war against Russia.
  15. I feel sympathy for Browsh having to do that, but professionalism is good to see.
  16. Russia probably sees the same from NATO states creeping towards them. Probably both are a bit overdramatic.
  17. Definitely eat something, crackers or bland stuff is good, I think.
  18. https://www.forbes.com/sies/jackkelly/2022/01/27/reddits-antiwork-subreddit-temporarily-shuts-down-after-an-awkward-interview-between-a-moderator-and-fox-news-star-jesse-watters/ What happens when Reddit meets the real world. Seems a colossally stupid idea for them to go on FOX at all, much less with so little preparation
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