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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Captured a War Galleon in Sea Dogs (French declared war with Spanish so my mission to go to a Spanish port as a French privateer is not going to work), then the game crashed so I lost my awesome new ship
  2. Are any actually being told that ? I always see whining about that online but never much in the way of proof other than "my friend told me his prof told him..."
  3. Not really sure why Youtube thought this was metal (when bored I rely on the mix playlist to get something to listen to). Maybe is the naked woman on the cover.
  4. You'd think Satan would be ok to intentionally be a deadbeat dad.
  5. Whatever makes gamers unhappy is good.
  6. Same courses in University ? No, but from my experience in school as an engineer if you don't know calculus at a decent level (integrals mainly) you're in for a rough time (other than maybe Computer Engineering, which I've always felt didn't really warrant the title although I am one). In their job they won't use it all that much, but is necessary to understand fundamentals - particularly as some go on to research. But other than that, just curious how he meant it as gatekeeping, been a while but don't recall if it was a requirement for fields more removed than math. Calculus is interesting as all it is for the most part is breaking things down into small amounts and scaling up as needed. 4 years of that and you should be well primed to understand things as comparatively simple as budgets and taxes, hah. Guess though you have to count on the kids being a good judge or being judged well of what they want to go ahead and do in life, if you're going to tailor math teaching to them.
  7. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/coronavirus/os-ne-raul-pino-administrative-leave-20220118-urh66o22kre2voe3kockmfoz3q-story.html Florida is an odd place.
  8. Well, am curious enough, (**** paying $17 for it though ). How did he mean it's used as a gatekeeping device (other than obviously making sure engineers aren't morons that don't know derivatives) in the book ? Also determining who to teach it to makes me think of streaming, which has its issues.
  9. Well, sounds like something people who suck at math will eat up.... Is a shame the way they taught us math in school, looking back they really could have done stuff like linear algebra or calculus earlier, done that way you take nice small bites and nothing much to be scared of.
  10. Yes, because it is racist & sexist against white males, apparently.
  11. True enough. But times change, and all.
  12. There is a God, and He hates us.
  13. Not much off the top of my head, although that is sort of a narrow specification, no ? But is just funny to read that moving away from isometric will be "bad".
  14. There's a mod that adds hookers, because of course there would be, so go for it
  15. I forget why is isometric some sort of superior perspective ?
  16. Probably more likely to catch them being taught about the War of Northern Aggression.
  17. https://v.redd.it/7w790te90ac81 What the other side of professional thievery looks like.
  18. Actually, seeing other studios use the Blizzard IPs would be neat. An actual Warcraft RPG would be cool to see.
  19. Their games will be Win11 exclusive. Oh, or they make Obsidian work on WoW (bwahahaha) But really don't expect too much to change, at least aside from the rest of the industry.
  20. Well, we know what somebody did in WoW. But maybe https://www.marketwatch.com/story/microsoft-bets-on-the-metaverse-with-69-billion-deal-for-activision-blizzard-11642515657
  21. That is a surprise. Gamepass going to be more attractive, so I guess price going up ?
  22. Fixing that comes after dealing with the exploding consoles.
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