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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I thought they already were there
  2. Shame it came out as fake before Sabaton could compose some cheese-tastic BS song about him.
  3. I thought Ukraine forbade men 18-60 (WTF is with that upper band) from leaving, though debatable who or how anyone is enforcing that.
  4. Canada strikes back - https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-liberals-ask-lcbo-to-ban-sale-of-russian-vodka-1.5795903
  5. Guess he is losing it. Oh ok, took them survival and looking out for yourself as separate as they're redundant otherwise, no big deal. German finance minister said SWIFT removal is still viable, so at least that's there for what it's worth.
  6. The 'looking out for yourself' part.
  7. But aren't the Western powers you're slating doing the same by not cutting them out of SWIFT, etc. ?
  8. People saying it's DCS. Possible. I guess I got the game wrong. Hm....maybe I can make some of this legendary Russian troll money by making Arma 2 propaganda for Putin...
  9. CNN reporting it was a Ukrainian Su-27 shot down by a Russian SAM over Kiev. Yikes, if true. Also is still a Russian jet, but could be a Ukranian tanker. Pretty large explosion, too.
  10. Well, I doubt the Russians are going to give up after one setback. Looks like more cruise strikes on Kiev tonight, Ukraine says they down a Russian bomber. All in all they seem to be doing ok, the way they were talking about them in the media here you'd have thought it was totally hopeless.
  11. Ah, well I guess a relief that the airfield battle's settled. VDV withdrew to the woods, I had read. Strange decision.
  12. Hopefully you hear from them. Whereabouts are they ? Wonder how they know the timing to that degree.
  13. Announcements about Hostomel are confused to the point of comedy. The Russians, take it, Ukrainians say they took it back then say fighting is still ongoing, then they say they took it, then no, fighting it still ongoing. Haven't seen that, but am trying to be charitable.
  14. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-24/western-allies-see-kyiv-falling-to-russian-forces-within-hours "Kyiv may fall to Russian forces in a matter of hours as Ukraine’s air defenses have been effectively eliminated, according to a senior Western intelligence official. " That's got to boost morale.
  15. Caught a porch thief today, small victory was the guy tripping as he fled - a sore ankle is a good punishment for it. Getting tired of the trash in my area.
  16. Well. Think he's reaching with this. Or the Russians have gone insane.
  17. No idea myself, I'm waiting to get trolled by some dude's Arma 3 Cold War mod, but in a forum where people spend too much time watching combat porn they said it was a repost of Syrian footage.
  18. New WoW patch was out, so went back to do that. New zone is pretty enough, is the usual grind though but is gated weekly so that does help a bit. Wish I spec'd DPS though.
  19. The second tweet is footage from Syria, apparently.
  20. At least they have an excuse for any bugs.
  21. It is interesting to see all the combat footage, although I'm beginning to be of the mind that 50% of what I'm seeing is false. Is sort of funny sign of the times that some guy seemingly runs to get footage of a bombed airfield for Twitter, heh. Doesn't seem Ukraine's defenses are all gone, at least from the kills they are claiming.
  22. Seems like Odessa landings didn't happen, according to Reuters. Ukraine claiming they shot down 5 Russian jets too, but no video or anything.
  23. Well, if true, that's one good thing. That really isn't what he wrote, though. And apparently Belarussian troops are involved, then again the source is social media when I dig down to it.
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