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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. No, it's the sudden loss of the will to live.
  2. The funniest "stupid person" complaint I saw at the protest was some guy saying they were trying to have apartheid between the vaccinated and unvaccinated
  3. Yes. You think these are Liberal (centrist party) or NDP (our version of left wing) voters ? If he mean extreme right then yeah they're not all Nazis. From hearing some there's a bit too many that sound like they'd fall for far right BS, though.
  4. They largely are right wing, though.
  5. Nah, wouldn't say it mostly neo-nazis. Just usual people going off an inaccurate premise. No mandates for vaccines in Canada by the government, is one for crossing the border. They wanted to have one for inter province travel for truckers but not sure if they'll go ahead with that. Now they're blockading more cities, also one of the crossings at Windsor, although just saw that ended. Not even MCGA, it's MAGA, too many Albertans think they're American. Heck, some want to secede and join the US (I guess they'll get statehood immediately, mostly white after all and have oil). Wonder what the Canadian Trump will be like
  6. Yeah, well the Toronto ones. They planned to shut down the city or some nonsense, not realizing this city barely flows on a good day Decent sized crowd, from the interviews I saw of the people there most weren't nutbars. Too many MAGA people up here that don't realize we're in Canada though, but was as I expected - people unhappy with restrictions, although those are eased up as of Feb 1. Also off of traffic people are out and about a lot - so maybe people were upset about not being able to go to bars and restaurants ? Other complaints were just as I said : masks are evil, won't someone think of the kids. As usual the hangers on were the best, some guy talking about Jews running the world, others saying we just need Jesus. And the Americans up here just thinking they're Mel Gibson in Braveheart. The dumb thing is though they are all on Trudeau's case but the restrictions are at the provincial level, or for the border issue the US hasn't dropped their vaccine requirement. Some say the US will follow Canada's lead which I think overstates Canada's weight in the CAN-US relationship. Given the number of conservative Premiers, it does make me chuckle
  7. I love it when US politician find Canada on a map again, first Ted Cruz (at least he recalls the land of his birth) and now - https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/2/2/2078229/-Chip-Roy-demands-we-deport-the-Canadian-leader-who-is-in-Canada-based-on-a-conspiracy-post
  8. Still have a mask mandate so you have to wear them in places like stores, etc., these meshbacks here this weekend see this as a loss of freedom. Well some, was interesting to see streams and people just yelling for non-specific "freedom" (****ing Americans up here...) and complaining about Trudeau. Oddly, nothing about our conservative Premier Ford who they are the base of and who also has imposed restrictions on things here. Protest fizzled out, cops didn't take any crap and kept them away from the legislature by road, also innate Toronto traffic helped thin them out a bit.
  9. Replaying Forged Alliance. Not sure what is with the campaign AI, I'm playing on Hard and the AI seems pretty docile. Am playing UEF, so at least I get that T3 gatling gun for defense.
  10. Anti masker protest in town, not many yet. At least did have some meshback say we're gay if we wear them, to wit one guy asked if he wanted to bang right there. Good times.
  11. None of which makes it impossible to overcome for $11MM
  12. Surprised no one's stolen it yet.
  13. I guess I don't know all that much about Hurlshot's financials. But ok.
  14. Guess it's due to the other people he decided to take with him. Other than that, well no loss to the world. My first assumption was that they droned him and just decided to say he offed himself, heh.
  15. Spent so much time trying to debug something due to the IDE crashing when I try to debug something.
  16. Seems fairly llkely. In any case, he got a cheque, would be a fool to turn it down.
  17. Surprised their flight regulations allow that.
  18. These bills are the government equivalent of **** posting, it seems.
  19. Huh I only thought there were two clefs.
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